
-an organism that lives on or in the body of another organism (the host) and causes damage to the other organism

Types of Parasites
Ectoparasites - live/feed on the exterior of an organism (lice)
Endoparasites - live/feed on the interior of an organism (tapeworm)

(Kingdom)Protista Parasites 

Disease: Malaria (Phylum Sporozoa)
Protist: Plasmodium | Vector: Anopheles Mosquito
Symptoms: Chills, fever

Disease: Cryptosporidosis (Phylum Sporozoa)
Protist: Cryptosporidium | Vector: water
Symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Disease: African Sleeping Sickness (Phylum Zoomastigophora)
Protist: Trypanosoma | Vector: Tse Tse Fly
Symptoms: uncontrolled sleepiness

Disease: Hiker's Diarrhea (Phylum Zoomastigophora)
Protist: Giardia lamblia | Vector: contaminated water
Symptoms: diarrhea, vomitting, cramps

Disease: Amebic Dysentery (Phylum Rhizopoda)
Protist: Entamoeba Histolytica | Vector: Contaminated water
Symptoms: diarrhea

Animal Parasites (Kingdom Animalia)

Roundworms - Phylum Nematoda

Ascaris - common roundworm, found in dogs, cats and humans; infection occurs from ingestion

Pinworms - commonly infect children in all parts of the world (including US), causing itching around the anus but does not usually cause any other health problems

Hookworm - attaches to intestine, causes bleeding, worm enters through the skin

Guinnea Worm --also known as fiery worm,  worms found just under skin, cause burning, enter through drinking water


--caused by the trichinella worm
--infection occurs from eating undercooked pork
--common parasite of pigs, where cysts are embedded in muscle
--symptoms include soreness and tenderness of the muscles

Flatworms - Phylum Platyhelminthes

Schistosoma (blood fluke)
--intermediate host is a water snail
--humans are infected through the skin by larval form (cercariae)
-symptoms: blood in urine, weight loss, liver enlarged

Taenia (tapeworm)
--found in cattle and pigs, can infect humans through contaminated food
--segments called proglottids for reproduction
-- scolex (head) has hooks that attach to intestinal wall, nutrients are absorbed