Cranial Nerves Coloring

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sheep brain

The sheep brain below has many parts labeled and shows the cranial nerves.

*Number the cranial nerves appropriately.   

 Color each part according to the keys.  The next page will show a similar image of a human brain.

boxOlfactory bulb and tract (purple)
boxOptic Nerve and Chiasma (dark green)
boxOculomotor  (dark blue)
boxTrochlear (gray)
boxTrigeminal (pink)
boxAbducens (light green)
boxFacial (yellow)  
boxVestibulocochlear / Auditory (red)
boxGlossopharyngeal (black)
boxVagus (brown)  
boxAccessory / Spinal Accessory (dark blue)
boxHypoglossal (orange)

boxCerebellum (light green)
boxCerebrum (light blue)  
boxPons  (purple)
boxMedulla Oblongata (yellow)


*Number the cranial nerves appropriately.   

Color each part according to the key.  This picture is not labeled, you may use other resources to help you locate the structures.

boxOlfactory bulb and tract (purple)
boxOptic Nerve and Chiasma (dark green)
boxOculomotor  (dark blue)
boxTrochlear (gray)
boxTrigeminal (pink)
boxAbducens (light green)
boxFacial (yellow)  
boxVestibulocochlear / Auditory (red)
boxGlossopharyngeal (black)
boxVagus (brown)
boxAccessory / Spinal Accessory (dark blue)
boxHypoglossal (orange)   

boxPons (purple)
boxCerebellum (light green)
boxCerebrum (light blue)
box Medulla (yellow)

Identify the structure by description.

1. Structure connects the brain to the spinal cord.

2. The main part of the brain, used in problem solving.

3. This nerve forms an X and connects to the eyes.

4. Nerve involved in the sense of smell.

5. Label the nerves on the diagram by number

6. Nerve that controls swallowing and speech.

7. Sensory nerve; three branches that go to the face.

8. Nerve that moves the eyeball.

9. Nerve involved in hearing and balance.

10. Nerve known as the "wanderer".

11. Controls the lateral rectus eye muscle

12. Runs under the tongue; involved in speech.

Other Resources on Cranial Nerves

Slides: Cranial Nerves | Guided Notes

Slides: Brain | Guided Notes

Sheep Brain Dissection Guide 

Label the Brain of a Sheep

Article: Phineas Gage - a curious case study in brain injury