Frog Dissection Resources

lab guide

Frog dissections serve as a pivotal educational tool for several reasons. Firstly, they provide students with a tangible exploration of vertebrate anatomy, allowing them to observe firsthand the intricate structures and systems that comprise an organism’s body. By dissecting frogs, students can identify organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and intestines, fostering a deeper understanding of their form and function.

Moreover, frog dissections offer students the chance to engage in practical application of scientific principles. From proper dissection techniques to the identification of organs, students learn to follow procedural steps, make observations, and draw conclusions – skills that are fundamental to scientific inquiry. This hands-on approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Frog Dissection: Complete Guide – includes external anatomy, mouth, and the organs of the abdominal cavity, download available in pdf and google doc.

Frog Dissection Overview – introduction to the lab, Google Slides

Frog External Anatomy  – legs, eyes, mouth structures
Frog Dissection   –  major organs of the digestive, urogenital, and circulatory and respiratory systems

Frog Brain and Bones – remove the frog’s brain, expose the bones of the lower leg

Frog Dissection Crossword – review terms and procedures
Observe a Living Frog – non dissection, behavior and characteristics
Bullfrog Dissection – bullfrog dissection guides, more advanced than basic frog dissection

Frog Dissection Alternative – for students who do not wish to dissect a frog, project using internet resources
Frog Anatomy Review – resource site for virtual frogs and practice quizzes
Frog Anatomy Labeling – basic pictures of frogs for students to label, serves as a review for the lab test

Frog Anatomy Resources at

Frog Dissection Kit from

Time Framework

Day 1 External Anatomy
Day 2Internal Anatomy (digestive, urinary)
Day 3Heart and Lungs
Day 4Brain and Leg Bones
Day 5Review (go over packet) / Kahoot
Day 5Lab Practical

Photos and Images

Flickr Album: Frog Dissection 

Google Photos – Frog Dissection

frog submerged

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