
Cell Division


4. Series of events a cell goes through as it grows and divides; the cell ___
6. The phase in which DNA copies itself
8. Holds sister chromatids together
9. When a cell divides, it forms two ___ cells
10. Cells that can become any other cell type; ___ cells
11. Division of the cell nucleus
13. The phase where cytokinesis begins
15. The phase where chromosomes line up along the equator

1. Division of the cytoplasm
2. Structure made of fibers that help to move chromosomes during mitosis
3. A chromosome consists of two identical ____
5. Disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth
7. Cells are limited in size by their surface areas and ____
8. Paired structure that helps to organize the spindle
12. Cells exchange materials across the cell ____
14. The phase where chromatids separate
16. The phase where chromosomes first become visible