
Chapter 20-1, 20-2 Reading

1. A ______________________________ is anything that is not a plant, animal, or fungi.
2. What does the word "protist" mean? ____________________________________________
3. Protist DNA indicates that different groups evolved independently from ______________________.
4. One way to classify protists is according to the way they obtain ____________________________
4. Protists that are heterotrophs are called __________________________ protists;
protists that are autotrophs are called ____________________________ protists.
5. How do funguslike protists obtain their food? ___________________________________________

20- 2 Animallike Protists: Protozoans

1. What does the word "protozoa" mean? ___________________________________
2. How are the four phyla of protozoa distinguished from one another? _________________________
3. What are flagella? ________________________________________________________________
4. Animallike protists that swim using flagella are classified in the phylum _______________________
5. Where do many zooflagellates live? ___________________________
Others live within _______________________________________________
6. Many zooflagellates reproduce asexually by _______________________________


7. What is a pseudopod? __________________________________________________________
8. Sarcodines are ________________________ protists that use ___________________________ for feeding and movement.
9. What are the best known sarcodines? _______________________
10. ______________________________ movement occurs when the cytoplasm of the cell streams into a pseudopod, and the rest of the cell follows.
11. What is a food vacuole? ____________________________________________________________
12. Name another member (besides the amoeba) of the Phylum Sarcodina: ______________________
13. As foraminferans die, the calcium carbonate from their ____________________
amoeba14. The name "heliozoan" means ___________________________________

Label the ameba

A _____________________
B ______________________
C _____________________


15. What is cilia? ____________________________________________________________
16. Organisms that use cilia for movement are classified into the phylum _________________________
17. Organisms that do not exist as parasites or symbionts are called ____________________________
18. Trichocysts are used for ______________________________________
19. What are the two types of nuclei found on a paramecium? _________________________________
20. In ciliates, cilia sweeps food particles into the ______________________________
21. Waste products are removed when the food vacuole fuses with the __________________________
22. What is the function of the contractile vacuole? __________________________________________
23. The expelling of excess water via the contractile vacuole is one of the ways a paramecium maintains
24. ________________________________ allows a paramecium to exchange genetic material.
25. Conjugation helps large populations produce and maintain genetic __________________________


26. Members of the phylum _______________________ do not more on their own and are parasitic.

Animallike Protists and Disease

27. View the picture on page 503, answer True or False to the following statements.
_____ Infection begins when a mosquito bites a human.
_____ Plasmodium cells called merozoites infect the liver.
_____ Merizoites cause red blood cells to burst.

28. Name two diseases caused by animallike protists ___________________________________ and ___________________________________
29. What drug can be used to treat malaria? ______________________________________
30. What is the best means of controlling malaria? _______________________________________

31. Members of the genus Trypanosoma cause what disease? ______________________________
List three symptoms of this disease: ________________________________________________
32. Where does the protist Entamoeba live within the body? ________________________________
33. Giardia can be killed by boiling water or by adding _____________________ to the water.
34. Infection by giardia can cause severe ___________________________________

Ecology of Animallike Protists

35. In what animal does Trichonympha live? ______________________________________
Trichonympha makes it possible for for these animals to ________________________________