I found this assignment online and re-created it to work for remote-learning, so that it is now in slide format. This format will also work when students are back to in-person learning. I plant to print the slides in color and then place them into dry-erase sleeves so that students can write on them with expo markers and then erase for the next class. This saves on color printing costs and paper.
Another thing that is preferable with in-person learning is the ability for students to work together and communicate what they know. Each group can get a single case (slide) and then we can share the images on the projector. They can point out to the class where the data is highlighted to indicate an abnormal values.
If using this as a remote assignment, I don’t think it would be too much to ask students to complete all of the slides. (Note: if you assign this on LMS, you will need to make a copy and remove the note on the slide that has the answer.)
Ideally, students will have already learned about various conditions, like sickle cell disease and anemia. I have Google slides and guided notes for these units. The remote version, Interactive Slides: Blood also explains the different types of blood cells and their functions.
The Cases
Each slide shows a CBC (complete blood count) with values for each type of blood cell in the sample. The normal range is shown next to the patient values, so students can easily compare the two. The image of the blood slide does not reveal as many clues as the CBC panel, and is mainly there as a reference.
There are five cases, each showing a particular condition with the CBC counts. Students highlight any abnormalities in the patient’s blood. For example, Teddy has swollen lymph nodes and a high lymphocyte count. From the list of possibilities, the best fit for his disorder is mononucleosis. Each slide has the answer listed under speaker notes. If you are assigning the slides over LMS, make a copy that does not include the answers.