Connective Tissues Learning Module

I created this module for sub plans where students are learning about connective tissues. Tissues are usually the 1st or 2nd chapter in anatomy textbooks. I usually don’t spend a lot of time on this section and focus mainly on the skin.


The first slide outlines the objectives:

  • Learn the structures and functions of connective tissue
  • Identify different types of connective tissue
  • Explore disorders related to connective tissue

Students have already learned about epithelial tissues with epidermolysis bullosa as an anchoring phenomenon. EB is a condition where the skin is very fragile and tears at the slightest touch. The underlying issue is that cells fail to make a type of collagen that anchors the skin. Thus, EB is a good bridge topic between those two types of connective tissue.

The slides also include a short section on how Vitamin C is necessary for the production collagen. Scurvy is caused by a deficiency in Vitamin C.

Students progress through the slides and answer questions on each one. Some may require students to click a link to view other information that can help them with labels or answering questions. A final “synthesis” questions asks students to explain why connective tissue is important for life functions.

The slides are similar to what I use for direct instruction tissues, but in this case, students are more self directed. I also use this connective tissue coloring for reinforcement.

We have several boxes of histology slides that students can view, but that’s mainly for additional practice with the microscopes. Histology is beyond the scope of my anatomy class.



