My high school students love to color, and we do a lot of coloring in my biology and anatomy classes. One of the topics for my freshman biology class is biomes. They color a map of North America according to where biomes are found (grassland, forest, desert..) They use descriptions to color the map according to the directions, for example “the eastern half of the united states if temperate forest – color green.”
When introducing biomes, my opening question to students — “What animals live in your backyard?”
Students enthusiastically told me about the rabbits, snakes, and squirrels . I asked them if there were bears in Illinois. Many weren’t sure. What about coyotes, cougars and bobcats? Have they ever seen an eagle
? Next, I broaden the question to ask about other animals that live in the United states, but might not be in this area. Where can you find buffalo
? Have you ever seen an alligator?
From this lesson came the inspiration for a coloring book that I could publish and sell on Amazon. Animals of North America that are found within the various biomes. Color a polar bear standing on an iceberg, or a frog on a lily pad.
Animals of North America Coloring Book
This month, I created a coloring book that focuses on animals of North America. There are frogs, squirrels, field mice, and even the American alligator. The book pages are 8.5×11, so the animal images are large, with thick lines. Perfect for a child to develop motor skills and enjoy coloring animals in their natural habitat! You can purchase this book at Amazon!
This is my first coloring book publication, but hopefully will not be my last. It was definitely a learning experience! But now that I have an understanding of how direct publishing works, I hope to add animals from other continents and activity books for older students.