This is the first year my students are using Miller and Levine’s Bee book. We also changed the sequence or topics, mainly to match the chapters in the textbook. Instead of starting with the cell, we started with ecosystems. The curriculum resources can be found at Biologycorner.com/bio1
I did not get as far as I had originally planned. We’ll be ending the semester with photosynthesis. Our school has final exams the week before the semester ends, but for many students, these exams are not required. Only a handful of my students will need to take this test, based on attendance and behavior. Some may opt to take the exam in order to improve their grade.
I created this review guide for the students who will be taking the final exam. It outlines the chapters covered, includes tips for studying, the final exam schedule and links to practice quizzes! It also includes our final exam schedule for students to reference. I made the handout on Canva, which is an easy way to do graphic design, especially for beginners.
You can use this flyer-style review for your own class, though you’ll need to change some things. Here is the template on Canva if you want to edit with your own class and school details.
Format for Final Exam
The format for this final exam for Biology 1 and 1A is multiple choice and matching. Students will take their exam with Chromebooks. The exam itself is actually a collection of questions taken from previous chapter tests. I use Google forms, so that students can see their results immediately after submitting their tests. They are familiar with using Google for their chapter tests.
I also created several practice quizzes related to each Chapter. These are on Quizziz, so students can play them as games and complete them as many times as they want. Many of the questions are the exact questions that are on the final exam.