Search results for: “heredity”

  • Investigation:  Modeling Heredity with Popsicle Sticks

    Investigation: Modeling Heredity with Popsicle Sticks

    In this activity, you will use popsicle sticks to model the process of gamete formation and the combining of sperm and egg to create offspring. Results of the simulation can then be compared to Punnet square expected results. Popsicles should be made in advance, the set contains a male and female set with the genotypes…

  • Modeling Meiosis and Independent Assorting Using Slides

    Modeling Meiosis and Independent Assorting Using Slides

    Meiosis is a difficult topic for beginning biology students. There’s a lot going on in the cell to ensure that each new gamete receives half the DNA of the parent cell. In addition, each new cell is completely unique. This is the result of independent assortment and crossing over. Lessons on meiosis generally involve labeling…

  • Hardy Weinberg Squirrels

    Hardy Weinberg Squirrels

    This activity was created for students to complete on their own during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hardy Weinberg equilibrium can be a difficult concept, even with class guidance, so I’ve attempted to break it down into small bite-sized pieces. The Hardy-Weinberg equation is a fundamental principle in population genetics that describes the relationship between allele frequencies…

  • Evolution of Caffeine

    Evolution of Caffeine

    In this activity, students access a database called UniProt that provides information about protein sequences derived from genome sequencing. Students search for the protein sequences of three plants that produce caffeine, Camellia sinensis, Coffea arabica, and Theobroma cacao (tea, coffee, and cocoa). They compare the protein sequences to determine if the gene to create caffeine arose independently…

  • Genetics – Lop Ears

    Genetics – Lop Ears

    This worksheet allows students to practice doing genetic crosses that involve two traits. The first problem has the 4×4 Punnet square already set up. Once they fill out the square, they determine how many of the bunnies have floppy or long ears, and how many have black or pink noses. Note, these genetic traits are…

  • Horse Genetics

    Horse Genetics

    Practice genetic crosses with horse traits. The gait-keeper gene controls whether a horse will trot or pace and the flaxen gene determines mane color.

  • Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    This worksheet was designed for freshman learning dihybrid crosses. Students struggle with setting up Punnet squares, so the squares are set up for them at first. Students only need to fill in the letters of the genotype can determine the phenotype proportions. A final task requires students to set up their own 4×4 square when…

  • Label Steps of DNA Replication

    Label Steps of DNA Replication

    For freshman, DNA replication is only covered in basic terms, where students are told that the process is semi-conservative and leads to the production of two new identical strands. AP Biology students are required to learn te steps of DNA replication and the roles that enzymes like DNA polymerase, helicase, and ligase, play in the…

  • Genetics: Sexy Chickens

    Genetics: Sexy Chickens

    This worksheet was designed for advanced students of biology or for honors students who are ready for an extra challenge. Birds have a ZW sex determination system instead of the XY system seen in humans. If your students have a good grasp on sex-linked traits in humans, then this scenario is a way to really…

  • Hardy Weinberg Problemset

    Hardy Weinberg Problemset

    Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) is a fundamental concept in population genetics that describes the theoretical relationship between allele frequencies and genotype frequencies in an ideal, non-evolving population. Students can practice using the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium equation to determine the allele frequencies in a population. This set of 10 questions gives students just enough information to solve…

  • Reinforcement:  DNA

    Reinforcement: DNA

    This worksheet was designed for 2nd year biology (AP Biology) as a way for students to review the structure of DNA and the history of the experiments that lead to its establishment as the molecule of heredity. Historical references include those related to Frederick Griffith’s experiments with transformation in bacteria and Hershey-Chase experiments with bacteriophages.…

  • Meiosis Worksheet

    Meiosis Worksheet

    Reinforce concepts related to meiosis and sexual reproduction. Students compare terms such as diploid and haploid, and label an image.

  • Karyotype of Tasmanian Devil Chromosomes

    Karyotype of Tasmanian Devil Chromosomes

    Students cut out each chromosome and organize them in pairs based on their patterns and size, they number them to determine the diploid number for the species and then consider a situation where the animal has an extra chromosome.  Students must determine which set has the extra chromosome and consider the concept of trisomy.  

  • Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    This procedural lab is a great compliment for genetic studies where students learn about sex linked genes and mutations.   The allele for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located on the X chromosome and is associated with a deletion mutation for that region. 

  • Investigation: Gene Switches in Stickleback Fish

    Investigation: Gene Switches in Stickleback Fish

    This activity was modified from HHMI’s “Modeling the Regulatory Switches of the Pitx1 Gene in Stickleback Fish”  The activity is presented as a type of investigation or case study where students examine regulatory switches and was a short film that describes the role of the Pitx1 gene in the development of spines. Students can work…