Biology is the study of living organisms, from the smallest bacteria to giant sequoias. Biologists use observation and experimentation to gain an understanding about the natural world. Branches of biology include anatomy, biotechnology, botany, cell biology, ecology, genetics, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, and zoology.
As a course, biology encompasses four main themes:
- The process of evolution drives the diversity of life
- Biological systems utilize free energy to grow, reproduce, and maintain life functions
- Living systems store and transmit information essential to life processes
- Biological systems interact with each other, and those interactions possess complex properties
About Me

My name is Shannan Muskopf and I am a teacher at Granite City High School, in a town outside of St Louis. I have a Master’s Degree in Biology from the University of Illinois, which is also where I received my Bachelor’s degree in 1994.
I started my career as a biology teacher in a suburb of St. Louis (Illinois side) and have been teacher for over 30 years. My classes include Biology (Freshman) and AP Biology which is also a SLU dual credit class. I also teach Anatomy and Physiology to juniors and seniors. You can find complete curriculums for these class at Biologycorner.com (under classes).
In 2021, I published a book “Human Anatomy Activity Book for Kids” which explores human body systems and was written for young learners.
The book was reprinted in 2023 with some edits, and is available at Amazon.com and other book retailers.
When I started Biologycorner in 2001, it was one of the first sites that provided resources for biology teachers. I didn’t realize at that time, just how big this site would become. Most of these early pages were written in html. When I moved to WordPress, I started linking these resources to my Google Drive, which is a much easier way to update and share worksheets. My goal is to provide free access to my materials to teachers all over the world.
All of my resources are designed for my students who are in my class. I follow the NGSS framework using anchoring phenomenon and cross-cutting concepts. Most teachers visit these pages to find activities and worksheets to supplement their own curriculum. I’ve organized topics into categories, but you can also find the entire curriculum for each of my classes, which includes lecture slides, practice quizzes, and student worksheets.
You can also find biological images to support labs and dissections. I have several albums on Google Photos that explore various dissections from my anatomy classes, lab setups from AP Biology, and photos of my students in class.
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