Medical and Applied Sciences KEY
The study of or dealing with… | |
1. oncology | Treatment of tumors and cancers |
2. gerontology | The aging process, and problems associated |
3. pathology | Examines body tissues for diagnostics and forensics |
4. cardiology | Heart diseases and abnormalities |
5. obstetrics | Pregnancy and childbirth |
6. epidemiology | Deals with the incidence and possible control of diseases |
7. pediatrics | Children and their diseases |
8. immunology | Body’s resistance to infectious diseases |
9. dermatology | Skin disorders |
10. neurology | Nervous system disorders |
11. pharmacology | Drugs and their uses in treatment of disease |
12. orthopedics | Muscular and skeletal system problems |
13. toxicology | Poisonous substances |
14. radiology | X rays and radioactive substances |
15. pulmonology | Diseases and disorders of the lungs |
16. endocrinology | Hormones and hormone secreting glands |
17. gynecology | Female reproductive system |
18. opthalmology | Eye and Eye diseases |
19. podiatry | Care and treatment of the feet |
20. otolaryngology | Ears, nose and throat specialist |
21. gastroenterology | Stomach and intestines and their diseases |
22. urology | Urinary tract and organs of the urogenital system |
23. phlebotomy | Specifically deals in drawing of the blood |
24. psychiatry | Mental illness and abnormal behavior |
How Well Do You Know Medical Acronyms?
P.T. ___physical therapist______________
R.N. ____registered nurse_______________
M.D. ____medical doctor_______________
E.M.T. __emergency medical technician_______
D.M.D. __doctor of dental medicine_____
P.A. __physician's assistant________
O.T. _occupational therapist____________
L.P.N __licensed practical nurse_____________
D.V.M __doctor of veterinary medicine__________