Medical and Applied Sciences KEY

  The study of or dealing with…
1. oncology Treatment of tumors and cancers
2. gerontology The aging process, and problems associated
3. pathology Examines body tissues for diagnostics and forensics
4. cardiology Heart diseases and abnormalities
5. obstetrics Pregnancy and childbirth
6. epidemiology Deals with the incidence and possible control of diseases
7. pediatrics Children and their diseases
8. immunology Body’s resistance to infectious diseases
9. dermatology Skin disorders
10. neurology Nervous system disorders
11. pharmacology Drugs and their uses in treatment of disease
12. orthopedics Muscular  and skeletal system problems
13. toxicology Poisonous substances
14. radiology X rays and radioactive substances
15. pulmonology Diseases and disorders of the lungs
16. endocrinology Hormones and hormone secreting glands
17. gynecology Female reproductive system
18. opthalmology Eye and Eye diseases
19. podiatry Care and treatment of the feet
20. otolaryngology Ears, nose and throat specialist
21.  gastroenterology Stomach and intestines and their diseases
22. urology Urinary tract and organs of the urogenital system
23.  phlebotomy Specifically deals in drawing of the blood
24. psychiatry  Mental illness and abnormal behavior

How Well Do You Know Medical Acronyms?

P.T. ___physical therapist______________ 
R.N. ____registered nurse_______________
M.D. ____medical doctor_______________           
E.M.T. __emergency medical technician_______         
D.M.D. __doctor of dental medicine_____        
P.A. __physician's assistant________
O.T.  _occupational therapist____________
L.P.N __licensed practical nurse_____________
D.V.M  __doctor of veterinary medicine__________