1.3 Patterns of Life

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Biology is the study of living things

Spontaneous Generation was disproven by Redi's experiments with maggots and meat.

redi experiment

How do you know if something is alive?

Characteristics of Life

1. Cells - the smallest unit of life

unicellular = one cell (examples: Amoeba, bacteria)
multicellular = many cells (examples: Plants, animals, fungi)

2. Reproduction

Sexual = two different parents
Asexual = single parent

3. Univeral genetic code (DNA)

Contains instructions for traits and function
Found in all cells

What is the relationship between DNA and reproduction?

4. Growth and Development

Growth is an increase in size
Development is changing forms

Differentiation - cells differ in shape and function
Stem Cells can become any type of cell

5. Need for energy and materials

Metablism refers to the biochemical reactions that occur in cells

6. Response to environment

Stimulus = signal | Response = reaction

7. Maintaining internal balance or homeostasis

Homeo = "same" | Stasis = "state" or "same state"

8. Evolution

Change over time
Occurs in populations, not individuals


Case Study: What would you need to grow plants inside?

Related Resources

Early Discoveries in Science - Reading with CER

Characteristics of Life - Reinforcement Worksheet

What Causes Algae Growth in Ponds (Data Lab)

Reinforcement: Scientific Processes and Characteristics of Life (TpT)