Chapter 5 - Populations

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5.1 How Populations Grow

Case Study - Sea Otter Fur Trade

Geographic Range - the area where a poulation lives

Growth rate - how the population size changes

sea otter population graph

Density - number of individuals in an area

Distribution- how they are spaced (clumped, random, uniform)

Age Structure Diagrams - compare population at each age group (rapid, slow, stable)

Data Analysis - population of sea otters in British Columbia (graph analysis)

sea otter graph

Population Growth = Birth rate minus Death Rate and Immigration minus emigration

Emigration - movement out of a population | Immigration - movement into the population

Exponential growth

Logistic growth

5.2 Limits to Growth

Density-dependent factors (competition, disease, overcrowding, food availability)

Density-independent factors (random events, natural disasters)

Predator Prey Relationships

predator prey cycle

5.3 Human Population Growth

Populations tend to increase (rate of increase changes over time)

Population distribution - where human populations are concentrated (major cities, states)

Demography - study of populations

Demographic transition - dramatic change in population caused by lower birth rates

Age Structure Diagrams - show the size of different age groups

Measuring Population Size

Classroom Activities and Resources

Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity (Key, TpT)

Estimating Population Size with Random Sampling (Key, TpT)

Lesson of the Kaibab - graph analysis

Whooping Crane Popoulation - graph and data analysis

Reinforcement: Populations - vocabulary practice