Category: Anatomy

  • Zoobiquity – Review and Discussion Questions

    Zoobiquity – Review and Discussion Questions

    I try to read at least one non-fiction book per year to try to keep myself up to date and inspired with new knowledge and advances in medicine.   I have a classroom set of “Stiff” that I require my AP Biology students to read during the unit on anatomy.  Recently, in a graduate class…

  • Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Students often learn the bones of a human skeleton in health, but biology class can reinforce these lessons by comparing the human skeleton to that of other vertebrates.  In this case, students color the skeleton of a bird and a human according to the directions.   The colors will illustrate how many of the bones…

  • Frog Anatomy Coloring Worksheet

    Frog Anatomy Coloring Worksheet

    This simple worksheet can supplement a lab or dissection of the frog.  Each of the numbers on the frog image corresponds with a text description of the structure and instructions on how to color it. There are a few questions at the end, mainly matching the structure to it’s function, but overall this activity is…

  • Case Study – What’s Wrong with Timothy?

    Case Study – What’s Wrong with Timothy?

    The endocrine system can be a difficult subject to cover in anatomy.  It isn’t as showy as the other systems where you can label organs or dissect an eyeball.  Students must also memorize a number of hormones and their functions which have complicated names like thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine.   When I first started teaching anatomy,…

  • Investigation: How Does Temperature Affect Respiration Rates

    Investigation: How Does Temperature Affect Respiration Rates

    This lab is focused on fish and the metabolism of ectothermic (warm-blooded) animals.  The investigation  also be useful for beginning students in reinforcing good lab procedures and graphing.  I’m always surprised by how many students have difficulty reading thermometers and setting up a water bath. This lab has been redesigned to make it simple and quick.…

  • The Anatomy of a Bony Fish

    The Anatomy of a Bony Fish

    Learn the anatomy of the fish with this coloring worksheet. Student Activity This coloring worksheet. provides a basic overview of the anatomy of a bony fish.  Students color the fish according to the directions with each organ and fins being labeled by number.   Students will not need a reference to complete the activity, as…

  • Activity:  Which Disease Is the Worst?

    Activity: Which Disease Is the Worst?

    In this activity, students work in groups to read about different types of diseases and ultimately rank them from the least dangerous to the most dangerous.   There is no actual right answer to this, and the cards are designed to foster discussion and provide a basic overview of the types of pathogens that cause…

  • Cow Eye Dissection

    Cow Eye Dissection

    Students dissect a cow eye as part of a unit on anatomy or the senses.  This guide contains step by step instructions on how to cut the eye and identify the major features. Cow eyes can be purchased from Amazon or biology supply companies. You can also use sheep eyes, which are slightly less expensive.…

  • Investigation: Rat Dissection

    Investigation: Rat Dissection

    Provides instructions for dissecting a preserved rat. Students start with the external anatomy, then locate muscles, bones, and then the major organs.

  • Toxicology Resources for the Biology Class

    Toxicology Resources for the Biology Class

    Resources for investigating how poison affects animal physiology. Students can read the “Poisoner’s Handbook” and perform experiments on worms.

  • External Anatomy of the Grasshopper

    External Anatomy of the Grasshopper

    Dissection guide for the grasshopper. Focuses on the external anatomy: legs, mouth parts, segments, includes a labeling and coloring.

  • What Can Bird Beaks Tell You About Their Lifestyle?

    What Can Bird Beaks Tell You About Their Lifestyle?

    Worksheet showing bird images where students determine their lifestyle based on the shape of their beaks and feet.

  • Investigation: Temperature and Fish Respiration Rate

    Investigation: Temperature and Fish Respiration Rate

    Students investigate what happens to the respiration rate of a fish as the temperature is decreased. Analyze data and create a graph.

  • Case Study – A Tiny Heart (old version)

    Case Study – A Tiny Heart (old version)

    Students examine the symptoms of a newborn baby who has a problem with his heart and suggest treatment options.

  • Squid Dissection for Beginners

    Squid Dissection for Beginners

    External and internal anatomy of the squid with directions for dissection and identifying structures.