Category: Genetics

  • Genetics Practice Problems with Google Slides

    Genetics Practice Problems with Google Slides

    For students who are learning remotely, genetics lessons that involve Punnett squares and probability may be challenging.  In a traditional class, I would give students small whiteboards and we would practice doing crosses together. I could circulate around the room to help students who are struggling, and they could help each other. Plus, they love writing…

  • Investigation: Sticklebacks

    Investigation: Sticklebacks

    This investigation was modified from the HHMI Stickleback Modeling activity where students examine two different forms of the the stickleback fish. One form has spines and bony armor and is found in the ocean. The other has less armor and is missing its pelvic girdle, and is found in fresh water lakes. The activity has…

  • Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

    Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

    This case study is a follow-up to the Cystic Fibrosis Case Study where students explore how changes in transport proteins affects the movement of ions, resulting in a build-up of chloride ions and the symptoms of the disease. Students were introduced to the idea that different mutations can cause differences in the transport proteins, but…

  • Label:  Protein Synthesis

    Label: Protein Synthesis

    Label and image of the cell membrane and ribosome, showing transcription and translation.

  • Amylase Enzyme and Copy Number Variant

    Amylase Enzyme and Copy Number Variant

    This activity explores a data set on the frequency of copy number variants in the gene AMY1 that codes for amylase activity in the saliva. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into sugar. The activity builds on the HHMI data point showing how presence of multiple copies of the gene correlate to populations…

  • DNA Drag and Drop

    DNA Drag and Drop

    Label DNA models by dragging boxes to the correct spot on Google Slides. Models show major events in DNA replication, and molecules involved.

  • Genetics – Lop Ears

    Genetics – Lop Ears

    This worksheet allows students to practice doing genetic crosses that involve two traits. The first problem has the 4×4 Punnet square already set up. Once they fill out the square, they determine how many of the bunnies have floppy or long ears, and how many have black or pink noses. Note, these genetic traits are…

  • Pedigree Analysis – AP Bio

    Pedigree Analysis – AP Bio

    Designed for biology students studying genetics. Determine the inheritance pattern for human disorders, like Tay-Sachs or Marfan Syndrome.

  • Horse Genetics

    Horse Genetics

    Practice genetic crosses with horse traits. The gait-keeper gene controls whether a horse will trot or pace and the flaxen gene determines mane color.

  • Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    This worksheet was designed for freshman learning dihybrid crosses. Students struggle with setting up Punnet squares, so the squares are set up for them at first. Students only need to fill in the letters of the genotype can determine the phenotype proportions. A final task requires students to set up their own 4×4 square when…

  • Reinforcement: Genetics

    Reinforcement: Genetics

    This exercise was created for an intro bio class though it would also be appropriate for other levels or students who struggle with basic vocabulary. The word list includes terms such as: phenotype, genotype, heterozygous, dominant, and recessive. Also included on the list are several genetic disorders like hemophilia and sickle cell. The worksheet was…

  • Genetics: Sexy Chickens

    Genetics: Sexy Chickens

    This worksheet was designed for advanced students of biology or for honors students who are ready for an extra challenge. Birds have a ZW sex determination system instead of the XY system seen in humans. If your students have a good grasp on sex-linked traits in humans, then this scenario is a way to really…

  • Simple Diagram Labeling on the Parts of a Chromosome

    Simple Diagram Labeling on the Parts of a Chromosome

    A diagram of a chromosome in the nucleus of the cell. Students label the chromatid, centromere, chromosomes, cell membrane, DNA, and nucleus.

  • Genetics of Sickle Cell

    Genetics of Sickle Cell

    This assignment was created for students who miss class and can be completed independently. There are sections to read with questions to answer, focusing on how DNA provides the instructions to make protein. A single base substitution in the gene that codes for hemoglobin results in sickle cell anemia. Students are walked through the process…

  • Protein Synthesis Practice Using Codon Charts

    Protein Synthesis Practice Using Codon Charts

    Practice using a codon chart to determine amino acid sequences from DNA.