Search results for: “car”

  • Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Graphic shows the process of transcription and translation. Color the parts of the model as your learn about them!

  • Chi Square Analysis

    Chi Square Analysis

    The new Advanced Placement Biology curriculum includes a few topics on statistical analysis under the section on Science Practices: “Students can use mathematics appropriately.”  Most introductory level biology classes (freshman) do not include these lessons because it can be difficult with students who haven’t advanced very far in algebra.   Seniors in  AP Biology should…

  • High School Students Doing Field Biology

    High School Students Doing Field Biology

    If you are fortunate enough to teach near a university, there is a very good chance that programs at the college are in place to help high school teachers.   For years, I have been able to borrow equipment from Southern Illinois University and Washington University to alleviate the costs of buying the equipment for…

  • Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Most evolution units start with a history of evolutionary thought, where scientists of the past, like Darwin, Linnaeus, Larmarke, and Wallace,  are discussed with regard to their contributions to evolutionary theory.    If you’re not careful, you can end up spending too much time on the history, talking about the Voyage of the Beagle and the…

  • Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Many science teachers have classroom specimens (or pets) to serve as model organisms, to teach students how to care for animals, and to generally liven up the space.   When I first started teaching, I inherited a room that had beautiful cabinets full of specimens preserved in formaldehyde. I wanted a pet in  that space…

  • Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    I’ve heard the term “biofuel” before, and that usually conjures up images of corn fields and ethanol.  I recently attended a lecture at Washington University presented by Fuzhong Zhang.  The title of the workshop was quite intimidating:  “Synthetic Regulatory Systems for Dynamic Metabolic Pathways.”   Teachers don’t just spend our summers lazing about at the pool!…

  • How to Create Your Classroom Seating Chart

    How to Create Your Classroom Seating Chart

    Ideas for assigning seats in the classroom on the very first day without the awkward role call.

  • How to Raise Isopods (Pillbugs) for Your Classroom

    How to Raise Isopods (Pillbugs) for Your Classroom

    How to keep isopods, or pillbugs, in the classroom. Use a plastic container with soil, water beads, and a place to hide!

  • Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    My genetics unit for Freshman Biology always starts with a history lesson on Mendel and our understanding of heredity at that time.   One of the main themes of this lesson is a comparison between two ways of thinking about inheritance and two competing theories:    The Particulate Theory and the Blending Theory. Students struggle…

  • Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    My students are suburban raised and have very little experience in the wild. After reading the article, “Give Childhood Back to Children,” I considered that playing outside not only helps kids learn social structures, it also allows them to explore nature.

  • Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    List of apps that can be used to help student learn content. Practice quizzes can be shared across social media or LMS. Best quiz apps include quizziz, quizalize, and quizlet.

  • 5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    Teaching the cell can be fun and engaging for students. Here are five creative ways to help students learn the parts of a cell.

  • How to Have a Great First Day of School

    How to Have a Great First Day of School

    Things I do the first day that are intended to get students interested in the class and excited about science. Classroom management is still important, and I avoid going too overboard the first day because then students get the wrong impression that every day is going to be Super-Happy-Fun-Time. That being said, there are some…

  • Biology Class Curriculums for Multiple Levels

    Biology Class Curriculums for Multiple Levels

    Anatomy 1 & 2 –  This class is usually taken by juniors and seniors,  by students that are interested in entering a medical field after graduation.  It is recommended for those on a career path to become: AP Biology (also SLU dual credit)- this is a college level course which has strict prerequisites, biology and chemistry are…

  • Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Ways to incorporate writing strategies into a science curriculum for writing and science literacy.