Search results for: “cheap”

  • Investigation: How Can Diffusion Be Observed?

    Investigation: How Can Diffusion Be Observed?

    This investigation provides a hands-on way to observe what happens when a chemical moves across a semipermeable membrane.   In this case, a cheap plastic bag serves as a model for the cell membrane and shows that iodine will move into the bag and turn the contents purple.

  • Investigation: How Do Insects Move?

    Investigation: How Do Insects Move?

    Have you ever thought about how insects with 6 legs actually crawl?  Human movement on two legs is pretty simple: left-right-left-right, but all insects have 6 legs attached to a thorax.    In this activity, I ask students to observe an insect closely, usually a dubia roach.

  • Modeling the Alimentary Canal

    Modeling the Alimentary Canal

    In this activity, students use string to model the gastrointestinal tract as a scale model.  I’ve noticed that students do have difficulty with the concept of scaling, which is one of the crosscutting concepts listed in the NGSS. The directions give students measurements for a 1/3 scale model, the human alimentary canal is about 9…

  • Investigation:  Processes of Science

    Investigation: Processes of Science

    Students must develop their own causal question about what biological factors affect a person’s lung capacity, Then test their hypothesis using a respirometer.

  • Investigation:  What Factors Affect Seed Germination?

    Investigation: What Factors Affect Seed Germination?

    This activity can be used as part of a unit on plants or as an activity to illustrate the scientific method.  The materials are cheap and can be obtained from the grocery store.  Students design an experiment to determine what factors affect seed germination.   They are given a list of variables that are appropriate…

  • Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Students examine how two traits are inherited, revealing that each allele has an equal chance of being passed on to the next generation, the principle of independent assortment.

  • Inquiry in Genetics Using Wisconsin Fast Plants

    Inquiry in Genetics Using Wisconsin Fast Plants

    Genetic Experiments can be intimidating for teachers due to the time and cost of breeding plants or animals in a classroom.  These issues are further complicated in a public school setting which may have space issues, limited funds, and lack of access to labs.   My favorite model for genetic experiments is the Wisconsin Fast…

  • Investigation: How Does Temperature Affect Respiration Rates

    Investigation: How Does Temperature Affect Respiration Rates

    This lab is focused on fish and the metabolism of ectothermic (warm-blooded) animals.  The investigation  also be useful for beginning students in reinforcing good lab procedures and graphing.  I’m always surprised by how many students have difficulty reading thermometers and setting up a water bath. This lab has been redesigned to make it simple and quick.…

  • Investigation:  Observing Diffusion & Semi-Permeable Membranes

    Investigation: Observing Diffusion & Semi-Permeable Membranes

      Units on the cell will also include lessons about how the cell transports materials across the membrane.  For beginning biology students who don’t have a strong foundation in physical science, the ideas of entropy, solutions, and concentrations can be overwhelming.   Diffusion is easy to explain with a perfume bottle or food coloring.  …

  • External Anatomy of the Grasshopper

    External Anatomy of the Grasshopper

    Dissection guide for the grasshopper. Focuses on the external anatomy: legs, mouth parts, segments, includes a labeling and coloring.

  • Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Many science teachers have classroom specimens (or pets) to serve as model organisms, to teach students how to care for animals, and to generally liven up the space.   When I first started teaching, I inherited a room that had beautiful cabinets full of specimens preserved in formaldehyde. I wanted a pet in  that space…

  • Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Describes what to do with all those packing peanuts you’ve received with your science orders. How about these cheap and simple student experiments!

  • Observing Diffusion Using Iodine and Plastic Bags

    Observing Diffusion Using Iodine and Plastic Bags

    Use simple materials to model diffusion. Place corn starch in a bag and then submerge into a solution of iodine.