Search results for: “heredity”

  • Case Study:  How to Survive a Cholera Epidemic

    Case Study: How to Survive a Cholera Epidemic

    In this case, students explore how cholera is spread and how it affects the body.  The case is divided into four sections, with the first part focusing on the role of clean water supplies and the spread of bacteria.   In the second part, the affects of the bacteria are examined, with attention on how the…

  • Manipulate DNA in a Simulation to Explore Mutations

    Manipulate DNA in a Simulation to Explore Mutations

    This activity uses a simulation from the Concord Consortium. It shows how DNA is transcribed to RNA and then turned into a protein.  It’s a very clear animation and can be used on its own as part of a lecture on protein synthesis. I have even used this as a demonstration to show protein folding…

  • Case Study: How Do Genes Determine Skin Color?

    Case Study: How Do Genes Determine Skin Color?

    This case study focuses on a news story whose headline declares that a “mother is a the only black woman to give birth to two white babies.”    Students look past the sensationalized headline to discover how skin color is controlled by multiple genes and make a final judgement about whether statements made in the…

  • DNA Coloring

    DNA Coloring

    DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses. It consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix structure. Each nucleotide is composed of a sugar molecule (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and…

  • Practice Problems:  Genetics and Blood Types

    Practice Problems: Genetics and Blood Types

    This worksheet provides students with practice problems on multiple allele traits, specifically on how blood types are inherited.   The problems focus on the ABO blood groups and students are asked to perform crosses where parents’ blood types are known.   For example, if one parent has type O blood and the other parent has…

  • Practice Genetics:  Sex Linked Genes

    Practice Genetics: Sex Linked Genes

    Students learn basic Mendelian genetics by crossing traits from fruit flies and pea plants.  In this extension, students can practice doing crosses that involve sex-linked traits, where the alleles are located on the X chromosome  which affects the pattern of inheritance.   This worksheet is designed for beginning biology students, as it provides in most…

  • Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Students examine how two traits are inherited, revealing that each allele has an equal chance of being passed on to the next generation, the principle of independent assortment.

  • Simple Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems

    Simple Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems

    Students learning basic Mendelian genetics can practice assigning genotypes and  identifying heterozygous and homozygous configurations.  Squares are set up to do crosses with purple and white flowers as seen in Mendel’s pea plants. The worksheet is very simple, designed for beginning students of biology and genetics.   More difficult versions of genetics practice problems might…

  • Construct a DNA Model Using Marshmallows

    Construct a DNA Model Using Marshmallows

    Use marshmallows and toothpicks to construct a model of DNA. Mini marshmallows represents the nucleotides, large marshmallows represent deoxyribose.

  • Case Study:  Why Are There No Male Calico Cats?

    Case Study: Why Are There No Male Calico Cats?

    This presentation case study asks two important questions regarding cat coloration: The case is presented as a slide presentation where students consider evidence and data related to cat coloration and chromosomes.  Working in small groups, they discuss the case and eventually answer the two main questions. I usually collect their answers at the end of class…

  • Meiosis Case:  SRY not SRY

    Meiosis Case: SRY not SRY

    Students are given a scenario about a female athlete who was stripped of her medal when it was discovered that her cells contain a Y chromosome.

  • How Can DNA Replication Be Modeled?

    How Can DNA Replication Be Modeled?

    Hands-on activity uses colored paperclips to model DNA double helix and show how semi-conservative replication takes place.

  • Human Traits Bingo

    Human Traits Bingo

    This activity is a good starter for genetics units.  Students are often fascinated by traits that are visible.   Lively discussions of human genetics will often include students asking tons of questions about what they view as “oddities.” Though, many of those traits would be difficult to establish as strictly genetics, it provides a good…

  • Corn Genetics and Chi Square Analysis

    Corn Genetics and Chi Square Analysis

    Students count kernels on an ear of corn. The corn is the product of a dihybrid cross, so that the phenotype of the kernels will follow a 9:3:3:1 ratio.

  • Simple Experiment to Extract DNA from a Strawberry

    Simple Experiment to Extract DNA from a Strawberry

    Crush strawberries and use detergent to break the cell wall, releasing DNA. Alcohol is then poured slowly over the top of the solution and DNA will rise to the surface.