Search results for: “heredity”

  • What is a Map Unit Anyway?

    What is a Map Unit Anyway?

    Chromosome maps illustrate how far alleles are on a chromosome using a MAP UNIT. Map units are based on the frequency of cross-over

  • Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    My genetics unit for Freshman Biology always starts with a history lesson on Mendel and our understanding of heredity at that time.   One of the main themes of this lesson is a comparison between two ways of thinking about inheritance and two competing theories:    The Particulate Theory and the Blending Theory. Students struggle…

  • Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Ways to incorporate writing strategies into a science curriculum for writing and science literacy.

  • Dragonfly Textbook Reading Guides

    These worksheets are tailored to the current textbook:  Biology by Miller and Levine (commonly called the Dragonfly book)   Most are specifically targeted to chapter sections – as in, students read the section of the chapter and answer very straightforward questions as they read.  I originally designed the reading guides to encourage freshman students to read the…

  • Resources for Teaching Genetics

    Resources for Teaching Genetics

    Genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring.   The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we learn more about the genome and how we are influenced by our genes. Inheritance Patterns and Punnett Squares Notes and Slides on Mendelian Genetics – basic lesson to introduce…