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  • Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Graphic shows the process of transcription and translation. Color the parts of the model as your learn about them!

  • Teaching Resources: Fetal Pig Dissection

    Teaching Resources: Fetal Pig Dissection

    Worksheet includes instructions for dissection with descriptions of the organs students will locate; includes diagrams to label.

  • Simple Experiment to Extract DNA from a Strawberry

    Simple Experiment to Extract DNA from a Strawberry

    Crush strawberries and use detergent to break the cell wall, releasing DNA. Alcohol is then poured slowly over the top of the solution and DNA will rise to the surface.

  • Variations on a Human Face

    Variations on a Human Face

    Students use coins to simulate how alleles separate during meiosis.  One student plays the father, and one plays the mother, a coin flip then determines the traits of their theoretical offspring.   Note: This is a representation of how traits may work with simple Mendelian Genetics. Human traits are actually much more complicated. Many are…

  • Frog Dissection Resources for High School Biology

    Frog Dissection Resources for High School Biology

    This student guide (dissection manual) walks students through the frog dissection.  Each step has a check box to help students focus and stay on track.  Detailed descriptions of structures will help students locate organs with minimal help from the instructor.

  • Student Guide to Frog External Anatomy

    Student Guide to Frog External Anatomy

    Lab handout over the external anatomy of the frog. Can be used as part of a frog dissection unit. Includes instructions and images to label.

  • What is a Map Unit Anyway?

    What is a Map Unit Anyway?

    Chromosome maps illustrate how far alleles are on a chromosome using a MAP UNIT. Map units are based on the frequency of cross-over

  • Hardy Weinberg and the Pocket Mouse

    Hardy Weinberg and the Pocket Mouse

    Use Hardy Weinberg equilibrium to analyze data of rock pocket mouse populations in the desert.

  • Deer Heart Dissection

    Deer Heart Dissection

    My anatomy students learn the heart every year which ends with the dissection of a preserved sheep heart.  This year, a hunter friend brought me a fresh deer heart which I was able to dissect in front of the class to show my students how the deer heart compared to the sheep heart.   There isn’t…

  • Chi Square Analysis

    Chi Square Analysis

    The new Advanced Placement Biology curriculum includes a few topics on statistical analysis under the section on Science Practices: “Students can use mathematics appropriately.”  Most introductory level biology classes (freshman) do not include these lessons because it can be difficult with students who haven’t advanced very far in algebra.   Seniors in  AP Biology should…

  • High School Students Doing Field Biology

    High School Students Doing Field Biology

    If you are fortunate enough to teach near a university, there is a very good chance that programs at the college are in place to help high school teachers.   For years, I have been able to borrow equipment from Southern Illinois University and Washington University to alleviate the costs of buying the equipment for…

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    The virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly known as HIV. HIV is a member of the retrovirus family, which means it contains RNA as its genetic material instead of DNA. HIV coloring worksheet uses a model to understand viral transmission.  Students identify and color the major structures…

  • Why I Teach Pathology in Biology

    Why I Teach Pathology in Biology

    When you examine the AP Biology Course Description, there is no mention of pathology (the study of diseases) in the list of Big Ideas.   Bacteria are mentioned in the context of comparison between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, lines of descent, and endosymbiosis.  Viruses are mentioned within the context of genetics and how DNA can be transferred…

  • Precision Versus Accuracy

    Precision Versus Accuracy

    I was in the market for a new digital scale, mainly for the osmosis experiment where students must weigh dialysis tubes.  I found that my one digital scale just wasn’t enough for 20 students to gather data.  Unfortunately, digital scales you buy from scientific suppliers are often very expensive and I really don’t need the…

  • Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Most evolution units start with a history of evolutionary thought, where scientists of the past, like Darwin, Linnaeus, Larmarke, and Wallace,  are discussed with regard to their contributions to evolutionary theory.    If you’re not careful, you can end up spending too much time on the history, talking about the Voyage of the Beagle and the…