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  • Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    My students are suburban raised and have very little experience in the wild. After reading the article, “Give Childhood Back to Children,” I considered that playing outside not only helps kids learn social structures, it also allows them to explore nature.

  • What is “Mastery” and Why is It Important?

    What is “Mastery” and Why is It Important?

    Education leaders often talk about mastery. Here’s what it means to me and how I can assess whether students have mastered content.

  • Mini Field Trip to the Park

    Mini Field Trip to the Park

    If you’re on the last days before school is out for the summer, you are probably encountering a lot of excited kids who really aren’t interested in sticking their nose in a book. Why not take them outside onto the school grounds or a nearby park and do outdoor projects?

  • Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    List of apps that can be used to help student learn content. Practice quizzes can be shared across social media or LMS. Best quiz apps include quizziz, quizalize, and quizlet.

  • 5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    Teaching the cell can be fun and engaging for students. Here are five creative ways to help students learn the parts of a cell.

  • Using Infographics for Projects and Learning

    Using Infographics for Projects and Learning

    Use infographics in your lessons to help students understand concepts. Students analyze graphics or create their own!

  • How to Have a Great First Day of School

    How to Have a Great First Day of School

    Things I do the first day that are intended to get students interested in the class and excited about science. Classroom management is still important, and I avoid going too overboard the first day because then students get the wrong impression that every day is going to be Super-Happy-Fun-Time. That being said, there are some…

  • Biology Class Curriculums for Multiple Levels

    Biology Class Curriculums for Multiple Levels

    Anatomy 1 & 2 –  This class is usually taken by juniors and seniors,  by students that are interested in entering a medical field after graduation.  It is recommended for those on a career path to become: AP Biology (also SLU dual credit)- this is a college level course which has strict prerequisites, biology and chemistry are…

  • Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide

    Ways to incorporate writing strategies into a science curriculum for writing and science literacy.

  • Student Activities for Reading Assignments

    Student Activities for Reading Assignments

    Use these activities for student reading assignments. Post it notes, pair and share, highlight text, and concept maps

  • Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Describes what to do with all those packing peanuts you’ve received with your science orders. How about these cheap and simple student experiments!

  • Images and Credits

    Images and Credits

    I have used many images throughout my site and pages.  I have tried to give credit where credit is due ;  newer pages now have picture sources listed on them.   Many free clip art sites do not have requirements for using images, and many images are public domain, or creative commons licensed.   Please…

  • Three Elements of Authentic Learning Projects

    Three Elements of Authentic Learning Projects

    One movement in education is to increase the number of AUTHENTIC learning modules, where students look at real-world problems, and work out solutions. This is often done in a collaborative environment where students work in small groups to produce an artifact or presentation that demonstrates their mastery of the topic.

  • Trip to the St. Louis Zoo

    Trip to the St. Louis Zoo

    As I walked along a path with bird exhibits to either side, it was very peaceful.  I didn’t feel crowded at all, and could sit at a bench and watch a little vulturine guineafowl as it went about its daily activities.

  • How to Manage the Hour Study Hall

    How to Manage the Hour Study Hall

    In 1998, I was still a new teacher but I’d had a couple of years behind me and was just getting the hang of organizing lesson plans, keeping the class focused and not burying myself under a pile of homework.  When I arrived to school that August I found something unusual on my schedule,  something…