Search results for: “24”

  • Label the Digestive System of a Rabbit

    Label the Digestive System of a Rabbit

    Students in biology may or may not do extensive dissections, but most biology classes do include a unit on comparative anatomy. Many teachers substitute dissections with virtual labs or paper versions of dissections where students label, color, or cut out parts. This worksheet shows a simplified diagram of a human and a rabbit digestive system…

  • OpenStax Reading Guides

    OpenStax Reading Guides

    I use Openstax Biology 2e as a textbook for my AP Bio and dual credit class. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. This is the book…

  • Experimental Design

    Experimental Design

    Students in most science classes start with an overview of scientific processes. For advanced students, I use this cheat sheet to remind them of the major features of the scientific method, such as a control group, dependent and independent variables. AP Bio students are also introduced to the concept of the null and alternative hypotheses…

  • Fortune Telling Fish

    Fortune Telling Fish

    This activity is perfect for a first day or as an introduction to the scientific method. Though there isn’t quite as much cooperation as the “Saving Sam” activity, the fortune telling fish allows students to explore the nature of science together. The handout linked can be given to students, or you can also project them…

  • Simple Diagram Labeling on the Parts of a Chromosome

    Simple Diagram Labeling on the Parts of a Chromosome

    A diagram of a chromosome in the nucleus of the cell. Students label the chromatid, centromere, chromosomes, cell membrane, DNA, and nucleus.

  • Complete Cat Dissection  Student Guide

    Complete Cat Dissection Student Guide

    Cat dissection manual for anatomy and physiology students. A cat dissection is not usually performed in biology and reserved for upper level anatomy or college students. My anatomy class is only available for juniors and seniors. Some students may have ethical issues with dissections, and I refer them to an alternate version for the dissection…

  • Digestive Concept Map

    Digestive Concept Map

    Students use this concept map to reinforce their understanding of the digestive system and how structures within that system are related. The mouth is where food is chewed and mixed with saliva. Saliva contains enzymes that start to break down food. The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. The…

  • Investigation:  Esophagus

    Investigation: Esophagus

    This activity was designed for high school anatomy students, though it could easily be used in biology or even elementary school classes. The goal is for students to determine if water moves down the esophagus by gravity or by the action of the muscles, peristalsis. First, students measure the length of the esophagus with ruler…

  • Genetics Practice Problems – Easy Mode

    Genetics Practice Problems – Easy Mode

    This worksheet was created for an introductory level biology class. This worksheet is designed to move through difficulty levels, so students start with “easy mode,” then moving to “normal” and then finally “hard mode.” Students can move at their own pace, which instructors can help students who are struggling.

  • Estimate a Person’s Height from the Bones

    Estimate a Person’s Height from the Bones

    In this activity, students use tape measures to estimate the length of their femur, ulna, and tibia. These lengths are then with an equation to estimate their height which can then be prepared to their actual height.

  • Investigation: How Do Enzymes Work?

    Investigation: How Do Enzymes Work?

    This lab is fairly basic, but when given with guided instruction how enzymes catalyze reactions, students can have a hands-on experience into how proteins are related to function.

  • Exit Tickets in the Biology Classroom

    Exit Tickets in the Biology Classroom

    Examples of using exit tickets in the biology classroom. Includes a template for a twitter exit ticket.

  • Create a Concept Map of Biomolecules

    Create a Concept Map of Biomolecules

    This activity asks students to work in groups to create a concept map (graphic organizer) on the biological macromolecules:  carbohydrates, lipids, fats, and nucleic acids.   Students are given brief instructions and a sample map to get them started, but they are responsible for determining what details are important in each section.

  • Body Systems Graphic Organizer

    Body Systems Graphic Organizer

    Graphic of the body systems where students fill in blanks about structures within the organ system and their functions.   This concept map can be used as a review or as a way to organize notes over the body systems.

  • Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    This procedural lab is a great compliment for genetic studies where students learn about sex linked genes and mutations.   The allele for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located on the X chromosome and is associated with a deletion mutation for that region.