Search results for: “need”

  • CER – Data Analysis with Sharks

    CER – Data Analysis with Sharks

    Shark data by month where students make a LINE graph to show how the population changes over time. Students complete a CER to discuss results.

  • Air Pressure and Life

    Air Pressure and Life

    Anatomy begins by describing the requirements of life. Why do you need air pressure to survive and what happens when you are in space with no pressure.

  • Evolution and the Peppered Moth Game

    Evolution and the Peppered Moth Game

    Based on experiments showing moths evolve in response to pollution. Play a game where you try to catch moths in different environments

  • Investigation: Heat Loss and Insulation in a Jar

    Investigation: Heat Loss and Insulation in a Jar

    This simple experiment can be used as a way to introduce the scientific method. Students design an experiment to test which materials are the best insulators by measuring heat loss. The materials are simple, and the experiment doesn’t take very long. They will need two beakers per group, a thermometer, and hot water. Also, a…

  • Jim Allison: Breakthrough

    Jim Allison: Breakthrough

    The film, “Jim Allison: Breakthrough” can be streamed through online platforms, like PBS or from Amazon Prime Video. Teachers can sign up for a free license at The film is 1 1/2 hours long, which is longer than most class periods, and many teen attention spans, so I split the worksheet into two halves.…

  • Population Genetics in a Fishbowl

    Population Genetics in a Fishbowl

    Students learn about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by exploring a virtual population of koi fish. This virtual lab allows students to run experiments where they can change variables, like population size, migration rate, mutation rate, and fitness of two separate alleles. The alleles being studied control the coloration of the fish. Fish can either be white, gold,…

  • Frog Anatomy Label

    Frog Anatomy Label

    This worksheet is a supplement to the frog dissection activity where students examine a preserved specimen. The main structures of the abdominal cavity are shown on this image and students practice identifying them using the included word bank. ( The worksheet could be modified to not include it should students need a greater challenge. )…

  • Brain Anatomy (Coloring)

    Brain Anatomy (Coloring)

    Students learn brain structures and their functions by reading short descriptions and coloring an image. The description are organized into three main areas of the brain: cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. The brain stem also includes structures of the diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus). In addition to coloring the image according to the directions, students identify…

  • Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    Genetic Crosses – 2 Traits

    This worksheet was designed for freshman learning dihybrid crosses. Students struggle with setting up Punnet squares, so the squares are set up for them at first. Students only need to fill in the letters of the genotype can determine the phenotype proportions. A final task requires students to set up their own 4×4 square when…

  • Label Steps of DNA Replication

    Label Steps of DNA Replication

    For freshman, DNA replication is only covered in basic terms, where students are told that the process is semi-conservative and leads to the production of two new identical strands. AP Biology students are required to learn te steps of DNA replication and the roles that enzymes like DNA polymerase, helicase, and ligase, play in the…

  • Evolution Crossword

    Evolution Crossword

    This simple worksheet is designed to help students with vocabulary and study for their test over the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

  • Human Population Growth

    Human Population Growth

    Students graph population estimates for years ranging from 1650 to 2012. The graph will show an exponential growth curve which students analyze to determine how frequently the population doubles. Students also explore the concepts of carrying capacity and growth rates. Questions ask students to discuss what happens when the earth exceeds its carrying capacity and…

  • Cell Cycle Label

    Cell Cycle Label

    This worksheet was created for freshman level biology and is a simpler version of a worksheet I use in the advanced classes showing the cell cycle. The image shows a cell in interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Students label each phase and then identify structures within the cell that are important for cell division,…

  • Modeling Osmosis

    Modeling Osmosis

    This basic lab uses Deco-cubes to show how they change in size when soaked in salt water, distilled water, and tap water.

  • Early Discoveries – CER

    Early Discoveries – CER

    Explore historical scientific discoveries, like Pasteur’s experiments to learn about the scientific method.