Search results for: “24”

  • Investigation: Temperature and Fish Respiration Rate

    Investigation: Temperature and Fish Respiration Rate

    Students investigate what happens to the respiration rate of a fish as the temperature is decreased. Analyze data and create a graph.

  • Stickleback Fish – An Evolution Story

    Stickleback Fish – An Evolution Story

    Students to examine two lakes and compare the types of fish in each. They learn how lakes form, and why spines may be an advantage for some populations.

  • AP Biology – Investigation on Genetics with Plants

    AP Biology – Investigation on Genetics with Plants

    A modified AP Lab where students learn to grow plants from a seed, cross pollinate plants and conduct an inquiry investigation about plant genetics.

  • Mitosis in an Onion Cell

    Mitosis in an Onion Cell

    Graphic shows an image of the cells in an onion root tip in various stages of mitosis.

  • Frog Dissection Resources for High School Biology

    Frog Dissection Resources for High School Biology

    This student guide (dissection manual) walks students through the frog dissection.  Each step has a check box to help students focus and stay on track.  Detailed descriptions of structures will help students locate organs with minimal help from the instructor.

  • High School Students Doing Field Biology

    High School Students Doing Field Biology

    If you are fortunate enough to teach near a university, there is a very good chance that programs at the college are in place to help high school teachers.   For years, I have been able to borrow equipment from Southern Illinois University and Washington University to alleviate the costs of buying the equipment for…

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    The virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly known as HIV. HIV is a member of the retrovirus family, which means it contains RNA as its genetic material instead of DNA. HIV coloring worksheet uses a model to understand viral transmission.  Students identify and color the major structures…

  • Your Inner Fish – Video from HHMI

    Your Inner Fish – Video from HHMI

    At the NSTA Conference in Chicago last year, I had the pleasure of meeting (at least from a distance) Neil Shubin, who is a fish paleontologist.  We watched one of the newer movies, were treated to refreshments and popcorn and were given a t-shirt and a DVD copy of “Your Inner Fish.”   This amazing…

  • Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    I’ve heard the term “biofuel” before, and that usually conjures up images of corn fields and ethanol.  I recently attended a lecture at Washington University presented by Fuzhong Zhang.  The title of the workshop was quite intimidating:  “Synthetic Regulatory Systems for Dynamic Metabolic Pathways.”   Teachers don’t just spend our summers lazing about at the pool!…

  • Why I’m Changing My Classroom Phone Policy

    Why I’m Changing My Classroom Phone Policy

    Last year, I decided to run a social experiment with my honors class.  This was a small class of 18 students taking Advanced Placement Biology, with a mix of juniors and seniors.   The experiment was to see if these digital natives could handle having an open policy on cell phones.   I allowed them…

  • Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    Are Kids Out of Touch with Nature?

    My students are suburban raised and have very little experience in the wild. After reading the article, “Give Childhood Back to Children,” I considered that playing outside not only helps kids learn social structures, it also allows them to explore nature.

  • Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    Top 5 Online Quiz Makers

    List of apps that can be used to help student learn content. Practice quizzes can be shared across social media or LMS. Best quiz apps include quizziz, quizalize, and quizlet.

  • 5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    5 Creative Ways to Teach the Cell

    Teaching the cell can be fun and engaging for students. Here are five creative ways to help students learn the parts of a cell.

  • Using Infographics for Projects and Learning

    Using Infographics for Projects and Learning

    Use infographics in your lessons to help students understand concepts. Students analyze graphics or create their own!

  • Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Simple Experiments with Biodegradable Packing Peanuts

    Describes what to do with all those packing peanuts you’ve received with your science orders. How about these cheap and simple student experiments!