Search results for: “car”

  • Comparing the Ameba to the Paramecium

    Comparing the Ameba to the Paramecium

    With the adoption of NGSS, I’ve had to make cuts to some of the lessons that biology classes of the past enjoyed. I was sad to see it go, but we no longer do a unit on the Kingdom Protista, but I still manage to fit a microscope lab into other sections.

  • Deer: Predation or Starvation?

    Deer: Predation or Starvation?

     This activity asks students to calculate the population change (births – deaths) and then graph the number of deer and the number of wolves. 

  • Investigation: How Does Exercise Affect Heart Rate

    Investigation: How Does Exercise Affect Heart Rate

    Design and conduct an experiment to measure the effect of exercise on heart rate. Aligned to NGSS standard on feedback mechanisms.

  • The Lesson of the Kaibab

    The Lesson of the Kaibab

    This activity asks students to graph the number of kaibab deer on the plateau after predators were removed, then analyze data and develop a better plan.

  • Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    Investigation: Gel Electrophoresis and DNA

    This procedural lab is a great compliment for genetic studies where students learn about sex linked genes and mutations.   The allele for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located on the X chromosome and is associated with a deletion mutation for that region. 

  • Case Study: How Do Tibetans Survive High Altitudes

    Case Study: How Do Tibetans Survive High Altitudes

    Based on the Berkeley website: Understanding Evolution, this version focuses on the how the body maintains homeostasis at high altitudes.   This involves increased production of red blood cells to improve oxygen supplies to tissues.    Tibetan populations have adapted to high altitudes by producing fewer red blood cells which improves fetal mortality rates. Case looks…

  • Investigation: Gene Switches in Stickleback Fish

    Investigation: Gene Switches in Stickleback Fish

    This activity was modified from HHMI’s “Modeling the Regulatory Switches of the Pitx1 Gene in Stickleback Fish”  The activity is presented as a type of investigation or case study where students examine regulatory switches and was a short film that describes the role of the Pitx1 gene in the development of spines. Students can work…

  • DNA, Proteins, and Sickle Cell

    DNA, Proteins, and Sickle Cell

    In this activity, students use a codon chart to compare the DNA sequence of HbA (normal hemoglobin) to HbS (sickle cell). The DNA differs in a single base, where the codon for normal hemoglobin codes for glutamine, and the mutant form codes for valine. 

  • Dog SNPs and Curly Hair

    Dog SNPs and Curly Hair

    In an effort to add more real data to the DNA (genetics) unit, I added a shortened form of the HHMI activity:  “Mapping Genes to Traits in Dogs Using SNPs”   The activity on HHMI is too advanced for freshman level biology, but I thought it would be a good introduction to DNA sequences. The activity…

  • Sheep Heart Dissection

    Sheep Heart Dissection

    Students use this dissection guide to learn the anatomy of the heart, using a sheep as a model. The sheep heart is similar to a human, and students can identify the major vessels:  aorta, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, and the vena cava.  The guide includes instructions on how to determine which side of the heart…

  • DNA, Proteins, and Mutations

    DNA, Proteins, and Mutations

    Students explore how DNA becomes a function protein by using a codon chart to transcribe and translate a gene.  They compare the gene found in humans to that found in other animals, deducing that the genes are very similar with only slight changes.    Finally, students examine the different types of mutations and how a…

  • Comparing the Amniote Egg to the Placenta – Coloring

    Comparing the Amniote Egg to the Placenta – Coloring

    Color the amniote egg of a chicken and compare to the development of a human embryo.

  • Demonstration:  Can Yeast Digest Lactose?

    Demonstration: Can Yeast Digest Lactose?

    This activity can be performed as student lead inquiry lab or as a class demonstration activity.  Students should have a basic understanding of how enzymes work and the relationship between lactose and lactase.  If you use Openstax, this is a great lesson to bridge the chapter on enzymes to the next one on respiration and…

  • Investigation:  Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations

    Investigation: Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations

    Students who complete the Enzyme Investigation lab can further explore enzymes with this lab on how concentrations of the substrate (hydrogen peroxide) and the enzyme ( catalase) can affect the rate of reaction.  In the first experiment, students simply made a judgement about the amount of bubbling to indicate reaction speed, though this is a…