Webquest on Human Evolution


In this quest, you will imagine a scenario in which a planet is populated by a variety of hominid species as a result of alien cloning technology. Your job is to showcase five of the hominid species into a bachelor catalog and present the catalog as a webpage. The catalog will contain information about each individual of different species for hominid females to search for a companion. The catalog is published by a company called "Hominid Connections", a dating service for the inhabitants of the planet.


Your product will be a webpage (or site) that contains information about hominids and a listing of five men of different hominid species. This page can be created using Microsoft Word (use the "Save As" web page function).


1. Investigate internet resources to learn about different hominid species. You will also need an introductory page that outlines the different species, the time they are thought to have lived in (on planet earth) and overall characteristics and generalities about human evolution.

2. Once the introduction is complete, you will need to choose which hominid species you will showcase in your catalog. There are many to choose from, but be advised, not all paleontologists agree on their classifications, the names listed may vary depending on the sites you visit. For instance, Paranthropus boisei may be called Homo boisei at some sources, so don't get hung up on the species names.

3. You will compile specific information about the individual of the species such as:

  • Physical characteristics (height, weight, bone structure)
  • Skull characteristics (presence of brow ridges, shape..etc)
  • Personality (language use, tool use, creativity)
  • Intelligence Level
  • Likes and Dislikes - you can be creative here
  • Preferences (for food, climate and space
  • A picture of the individual - either an artistic drawing, or an actual picture of a fossil skull. You will need to include a reference page for where this picture originated from (website url)

For an example, here's a sample of an individual of the species Homo sapiens. You cannot use homo sapiens in your catalog.

4. Post your page at Project Poster

Hominid Species

Australopithecus anamensis
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus garhi

Paranthropus aethiopicus
Paranthropus boisei
Paranthropus robustus

Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo neanderthalensis

Homo sapiens (cannot be used)

Web Resources

Open Directory Project : Human Evolution

Google: Human Evolution

Yahoo: Human evolution

Evaluation - Group

SectionGrading Criteria54321
Introductory pageContains relevant information, written in student words (not copied from another source) and establishes purpose of the page/site, organized and clear
ThoroughnessEach species has a rich description of characteristics
AccuracyInformation is accurate for each species
CompletenessAll 5 species are represented
ImagesImages included for each page, accurate and includes reference to website borrowed from
TechnicalNo grammar errors, page/site is organized and easy to follow

Evaluation - Individual

This evaluation will be based in individual members evaluation of themselves and others in their group.

Group Evaluation Form