1. All of the following are carbohydrates EXCEPT: starch glycogen chitin cholesterol
2. The structure contains which functional group
aldehyde ketone amino carboxyl
3. Fatty acids that are unsaturated have: an amino group a double bond an excess of protons a carboxyl group
4. The structure below is a: monosaccharide disaccharide lipid polymer
5. Which of the following can have a quaternary structure? fatty acid protein polysaccharide DNA
6. An organic compound is one that: contains carbon is slightly acidic forms long chains is soluble in water
7. Which of the following elements is the LEAST abundant in living organisms? oxygen nitrogen phosphorous sodium
8. Which of the following is used in PET scans? uranium ions isotopes steroids
9. Carbon can form ___ separate bonds with other elements? 1 2 3 4
10. The cohesion of water is caused by: ionic bonds hydrophobic compounds hydrogen bonds covalent bonds
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