Search results for: “ass”

  • Brain Dissection – Virtual Version

    Brain Dissection – Virtual Version

    Don’t have time or the resources to do a dissection in the classroom? Try this virtual version to supplement your lessons on the brain! In a traditional anatomy class, students dissect a sheep brain using the Sheep Brain Dissection Guide which walks them through identifying first external features of the brain and then internal features.…

  • Neuroglia Labeling with Google Slides

    Neuroglia Labeling with Google Slides

    Save paper by assigning labeling worksheets on Google Classroom. Instead of writing in labels, students drag and drop the labels to the appropriate area on the image. The labeling focuses on the neuron and supporting neuroglia (or glial) cells. These cells provide provide physical and metabolic support to neurons. Neuroglia cells are different from nerve…

  • Anatomy for Kids – New Edition (2023)

    Anatomy for Kids – New Edition (2023)

    During the year of the 2020 pandemic, I got the opportunity to write a book! After a lot of hard work, and a learning process on how to write for publication, the book is finally ready to be released. I have enjoyed the process and really challenged myself to create a resource I think kids…

  • Investigation: Sticklebacks

    Investigation: Sticklebacks

    This investigation was modified from the HHMI Stickleback Modeling activity where students examine two different forms of the the stickleback fish. One form has spines and bony armor and is found in the ocean. The other has less armor and is missing its pelvic girdle, and is found in fresh water lakes. The activity has…

  • Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

    Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

    This case study is a follow-up to the Cystic Fibrosis Case Study where students explore how changes in transport proteins affects the movement of ions, resulting in a build-up of chloride ions and the symptoms of the disease. Students were introduced to the idea that different mutations can cause differences in the transport proteins, but…

  • Label:  Protein Synthesis

    Label: Protein Synthesis

    Label and image of the cell membrane and ribosome, showing transcription and translation.

  • Amylase Enzyme and Copy Number Variant

    Amylase Enzyme and Copy Number Variant

    This activity explores a data set on the frequency of copy number variants in the gene AMY1 that codes for amylase activity in the saliva. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into sugar. The activity builds on the HHMI data point showing how presence of multiple copies of the gene correlate to populations…

  • DNA Drag and Drop

    DNA Drag and Drop

    Label DNA models by dragging boxes to the correct spot on Google Slides. Models show major events in DNA replication, and molecules involved.

  • Muscles Labeling

    Muscles Labeling

    This activity is aligned to my anatomy and physiology curriculum where students study the structure and function of muscle tissues. This has been a challenging topic to cover remotely because I can’t use traditional models. Typically, I would use straws and rubber bands to model fascicles and myofibrils. This activity is part of a unit…

  • Photosynthesis Virtual Lab

    Photosynthesis Virtual Lab

    This lab was created to replace the popular waterweed simulator which no longer functions because it is flash-based. In this virtual photosynthesis lab, students can manipulate the light intensity, light color, and distance from the light source. A plant is shown in a beaker and test tube which bubbles to indicate the rate of photosynthesis.…

  • Investigation: Mitosis

    Investigation: Mitosis

    This mitosis investigation was created during the 2020 pandemic for remote learning. In previous years, biology students would view slides in the lab and analyze data on cancer and mitotic index. This at-home activity only looks at the mitosis of onion cells and I plan to add cancer and mitotic index as a separate activity.…

  • Skull Label (remote)

    Skull Label (remote)

    This activity was designed for anatomy and physiology with students working remotely during the 2020 pandemic. Students are given a short overview of the skull during virtual class and then encouraged to watch the Pop Up Biology video which explains the features of the skull (foramen, condyles, process…etc.) The activity is made on google slides…

  • Bone Tissue (Guided)

    Bone Tissue (Guided)

    Students learn about bone tissue by progressing through slides with images and explanations. Students perform tasks, such as labeling or answering questions.

  • Label a Long Bone – Google Slides

    Label a Long Bone – Google Slides

    Anatomy students in traditional classes practice labeling the bone on paper or even doing a coloring activity to help them learn the parts of the bone. Students complete this activity on their Chromebooks, reducing the need for paper. This labeling is simply a drag and drop exercise that students can complete directly in Google Slides.…

  • Body Tissues Review

    Body Tissues Review

    This remote learning exercise was made for anatomy students studying body tissues. The review uses Google slides for students to drag labels to the different types of epithelial cells and label the connective tissue matrix. Another slide has photos of tissue for students to identify which is the epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscle tissue. Fun…