Search results for: “ass”

  • Investigation:  Two Point Discrimination Test

    Investigation: Two Point Discrimination Test

    Students investigate the sensitivity of different areas of the skin using a mathematical compass to stimulate mechanoreceptors.   The procedure asks students to place the points of the compass on different areas, such as the forearm and the palm and have a test subject report whether one point is being felt or two points.  The compass…

  • Biome Project

    Biome Project

    Students become experts in a biome and create a product, such as a pamphlet, to showcase details about their assigned ecosystem (tundra, forest, ocean..etc.)

  • Lesson Plan Template

    Lesson Plan Template

    Lesson plan template for google docs. Save to your own drive or print.

  • Dragon Genetics

    Dragon Genetics

    Add a little fantasy to your genetics unit by having students practice doing genetic crosses using dragons as specimens.  Dragon traits include fire breathing, wingless, and color.   I have students practice on whiteboards as we work through the slides and then I have students share their solutions with the class.  The level 2 questions include…

  • Review with Whiteboard Panels

    Review with Whiteboard Panels

    In order to review for final exams and to also tie together the semester, I had my students create boards that summarized the labs they did during the semester.   I choose 6 labs so that each group of three would be able create a whiteboard panel and do a mini presentation to the rest of…

  • Investigation:  Taste Buds and Signal Transduction

    Investigation: Taste Buds and Signal Transduction

    As a part of the chapter on cell signal pathways, students perform a lab that examines how their taste buds are affected by Gymnema.    For this lab, I simply placed a question on the board “How does Gymnema tea affect your ability to taste sweet foods?”    I provided them with a list of…

  • Photosystems and Chemiosmosis Coloring

    Photosystems and Chemiosmosis Coloring

    Use this coloring worksheet to explore how plant cells harvest energy form the sun to generate ATP in the process known as chemiosmosis.   

  • Data Analysis – Stature and Bone Length

    Data Analysis – Stature and Bone Length

    Does the length of a person’s legs and arm bones correlate to the height of the person? The following graph shows a scatterplot of lengths of the humerus, tibia, femur and tibia. Examine the graphs shown below. What CLAIMS can be made to answer the question? Summarize the EVIDENCE shown in the graphs. Develop a…

  • Demonstration:  Can Yeast Digest Lactose?

    Demonstration: Can Yeast Digest Lactose?

    This activity can be performed as student lead inquiry lab or as a class demonstration activity.  Students should have a basic understanding of how enzymes work and the relationship between lactose and lactase.  If you use Openstax, this is a great lesson to bridge the chapter on enzymes to the next one on respiration and…

  • Investigation:  Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations

    Investigation: Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations

    Students who complete the Enzyme Investigation lab can further explore enzymes with this lab on how concentrations of the substrate (hydrogen peroxide) and the enzyme ( catalase) can affect the rate of reaction.  In the first experiment, students simply made a judgement about the amount of bubbling to indicate reaction speed, though this is a…

  • Case Study – The Tired Swimmer

    Case Study – The Tired Swimmer

    This case study was modified from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science so that it is more appropriate for basic high school students in anatomy and physiology.    This case is intended to be used during the chapter on muscles as it requires students to examine how the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine is used…

  • Mitosis – Internet Exploration

    Mitosis – Internet Exploration

    This assignment can be a stand-alone activity to help students learn to identify the phases of mitosis by viewing  various animations.  There are several sites to visit, where students perform tasks, such as labeling and making comparisons. Site 1: Bioman Mitosis Mover This is a game site where you progress through levels. Students can print…

  • Claim, Evidence, Reasoning  (CER) Science Topics

    Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Science Topics

    A list of topics and articles for students to use to practice claim, evidence, and reasoning.

  • Macromolecules: Sketchnotes

    In the past, I’ve had students create concept maps to help them organize the four macromolecules and related details.  This year, I modified the assignment to try to encourage the use of sketching to help students remember the details.  Students were asked to focus on one of the four macromolecules:  lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, or…

  • Cell Membrane and Transport

    Cell Membrane and Transport

    This reinforcement worksheet displays a graphic of the cell membrane showing the phospholipid bilayer and embedded proteins.    Students identify structures within the bilayer and use reasoning to determine how molecules are moving across the membrane in response to a hypertonic solution. Worksheet was designed for freshman level biology classes who are studying osmosis and…