Search results for: “teacher”

  • Case Study – Chicago Cyanide Murders

    Case Study – Chicago Cyanide Murders

    Students investigate how cyanide interferes with the mitochondria and the role of oxygen in cellulular respiration; based on an historical event.

  • How Can the Scientific Method Solve Real-World Problems?

    How Can the Scientific Method Solve Real-World Problems?

    Read short stories about how scientists used the scientific method to solve real problems, such as the discovery of penicillin and the cause of beriberi.

  • Color a Plant Cell and Identify Functions

    Color a Plant Cell and Identify Functions

    Students learn the structures found in a plant cell by coloring them according to directions.

  • Color a Typical Animal Cell

    Color a Typical Animal Cell

    This worksheet requires students to color a drawing of animal cell according to directions, intended as practice or reinforcement for a unit on cell biology.

  • Case Study – Cystic Fibrosis

    Case Study – Cystic Fibrosis

    This case study explores the relationship between the cell membrane and breathing difficulties that occur as a result of the genetic disorder cystic fibrosis.

  • Mitosis in an Onion Cell

    Mitosis in an Onion Cell

    Graphic shows an image of the cells in an onion root tip in various stages of mitosis.

  • Scientific Method Scenarios

    Scientific Method Scenarios

    students work in groups to develop an experiment that answers a question. Students design the experiment, and must also identify the a control group and the independent and dependent variables in their experiment.

  • Sheep Brain Dissection Guide

    Sheep Brain Dissection Guide

    The brain is one of the most interesting dissections to perform, mainly because all of the structures are easily found and animal models closely resemble human brains..  In this lab guide, students are given instruction on how to remove the dura mater,  and locate the main structures of the external brain

  • Scientific Method and the Simpsons

    Scientific Method and the Simpsons

    NOTE: This is a new version of this activity, with new stories!  Old Version: Scientific Method and the Simpsons This activity requires students to read stories where experiments were performed by members of the Simpson’s family.  The stories are intended to be humorous. Students must identify the manipulated and responding variables (independent and dependent), the…

  • Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Learn Transcription and Translation by Coloring

    Graphic shows the process of transcription and translation. Color the parts of the model as your learn about them!

  • High School Students Doing Field Biology

    High School Students Doing Field Biology

    If you are fortunate enough to teach near a university, there is a very good chance that programs at the college are in place to help high school teachers.   For years, I have been able to borrow equipment from Southern Illinois University and Washington University to alleviate the costs of buying the equipment for…

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Coloring

    The virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly known as HIV. HIV is a member of the retrovirus family, which means it contains RNA as its genetic material instead of DNA. HIV coloring worksheet uses a model to understand viral transmission.  Students identify and color the major structures…

  • Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Top 10 Classroom Pets

    Many science teachers have classroom specimens (or pets) to serve as model organisms, to teach students how to care for animals, and to generally liven up the space.   When I first started teaching, I inherited a room that had beautiful cabinets full of specimens preserved in formaldehyde. I wanted a pet in  that space…

  • Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    Can Bacteria Be Designed to Create Gasoline?

    I’ve heard the term “biofuel” before, and that usually conjures up images of corn fields and ethanol.  I recently attended a lecture at Washington University presented by Fuzhong Zhang.  The title of the workshop was quite intimidating:  “Synthetic Regulatory Systems for Dynamic Metabolic Pathways.”   Teachers don’t just spend our summers lazing about at the pool!…

  • Is Group Work Really Effective?

    Is Group Work Really Effective?

    I was out for a day last week and left a case study for my anatomy students.  The case was about six pages long and starts with a doctor examining a pregnant woman and hearing what he thought was a heart murmur in the fetus.   The pages build upon each other, asking students to…