Tag: activity
Color the North American Biomes
This coloring activity is suitable for beginning biology students who are learning about the plants and animals found in each major biome. The worksheet does require a basic geography knowledge, which I found somewhat lacking in my freshman students. I usually place a large map of North America on the overhead projector for students…
Color the Neuron and Neuroglia
Students can practice what they have learned about neurons with this simple coloring activity. The page shows features of the neuron, such as the axons and dendrites. They will also color the supporting cells of the matrix. There are no instructions, students must identify each of the types of glial cells: oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglial cells, ,…
Analyzing Graphics: The Carbon Cycle
This graphic illustrates how atmospheric carbon dioxide is produced during cellular respiration and combustion and then taken up by plants. Students apply what they have learned about the processes of photosynthesis and respiration to label parts of the graphic an answer questions. This activity is probably best done as a pair-share activity or a…
Investigation: Modeling Heredity with Popsicle Sticks
In this activity, you will use popsicle sticks to model the process of gamete formation and the combining of sperm and egg to create offspring. Results of the simulation can then be compared to Punnet square expected results. Popsicles should be made in advance, the set contains a male and female set with the genotypes…
Investigation: What Factors Affect Lung Capacity
In this investigation, students use balloons and rulers to estimate the vital capacity of lungs using test subjects within the class. To perform the test, subjects take a deep breath and blow into a balloon. The diameter is measured and a graph is used to estimate the volume of air expelled based on the diameter…
What Does a Bird’s Beak Tell You About Its Diet?
In this activity, students examine images of birds and make inferences about the bird’s diet and lifestyle based on the shape of their beaks and legs. Birds are very diverse in their habits, spear-shaped beaks are used for fishing, short stout beaks are used for cracking seeds, and the curved beaks of raptors are used…
Case Study – What’s Wrong with Timothy?
The endocrine system can be a difficult subject to cover in anatomy. It isn’t as showy as the other systems where you can label organs or dissect an eyeball. Students must also memorize a number of hormones and their functions which have complicated names like thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine. When I first started teaching anatomy,…
The Anatomy of a Bony Fish
Learn the anatomy of the fish with this coloring worksheet. Student Activity This coloring worksheet. provides a basic overview of the anatomy of a bony fish. Students color the fish according to the directions with each organ and fins being labeled by number. Students will not need a reference to complete the activity, as…
Activity: Which Disease Is the Worst?
In this activity, students work in groups to read about different types of diseases and ultimately rank them from the least dangerous to the most dangerous. There is no actual right answer to this, and the cards are designed to foster discussion and provide a basic overview of the types of pathogens that cause…
Investigation: Rat Dissection
Provides instructions for dissecting a preserved rat. Students start with the external anatomy, then locate muscles, bones, and then the major organs.
Evolution and the Rock Pocket Mouse (HHMI)
This activity was modified from the HHMI Activity on color variation in the rock pocket mouse which illustrates evolutionary concepts such as fitness, natural selection, and mutation.
Investigation: Observing Diffusion & Semi-Permeable Membranes
Units on the cell will also include lessons about how the cell transports materials across the membrane. For beginning biology students who don’t have a strong foundation in physical science, the ideas of entropy, solutions, and concentrations can be overwhelming. Diffusion is easy to explain with a perfume bottle or food coloring. …
Case Study – Are Nanobacteria Alive?
In this case study, students review the evidence of scientists on both sides of the controversy questioning whether nanobacteria are living organisms.
First Day Activity: Student Inventory
The first day of class is often very chaotic as you are taking roll, talking to students about classroom rules and beginning to learn their names. For my classes, I also like to make notes about students on the seating chart about personal details of students, mainly because this makes it easier to learn…
Case Study – Chicago Cyanide Murders
Students investigate how cyanide interferes with the mitochondria and the role of oxygen in cellulular respiration; based on an historical event.