Tag: core
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Science Topics
A list of topics and articles for students to use to practice claim, evidence, and reasoning.
Article: The Body Farm
This article has been adapted to model standardized test questions students, where the article is divided into columns and each paragraph is labeled with a number. Students are required to find information in the text and analyze text structures. Readers are asked to used context clues to understand difficult vocabulary. Students must also make…
Scientific Method in Action
This simple worksheet has two reading passages, similar to what students may see on state standardized science tests. Students read a short description of a science experiment and must answer questions related to science methodology, such as identifying controls and variables and summarizing conclusions that can be drawn from the text. The two stories are…
Maintaining a Science Library
My classroom has a collection of science themed books that are not textbooks that I periodically share with my students. For example, when discussing biochemistry at the beginning of the year, you will find a copy of the Poisoner’s Handbook on my desk, with several post-it notes attached. Students are curious about the…
How to Use Google Docs to Leverage Student Engagement
Google docs can make grading and commenting more engaging for students. When students upload their google docs, you can comment and have discussions.
Writing to Learn – A Common Core Standard
A collection of activities for students to use writing assignments to engage in lessons and learn scientific concepts.
What is “Mastery” and Why is It Important?
Education leaders often talk about mastery. Here’s what it means to me and how I can assess whether students have mastered content.
Using Infographics for Projects and Learning
Use infographics in your lessons to help students understand concepts. Students analyze graphics or create their own!
Improve Student Writing in Science – A Guide
Ways to incorporate writing strategies into a science curriculum for writing and science literacy.
Student Activities for Reading Assignments
Use these activities for student reading assignments. Post it notes, pair and share, highlight text, and concept maps