Tag: Evolution

  • Case Study – Evolution and White Striped Clovers

    Case Study – Evolution and White Striped Clovers

    The production of cyanide by clovers with white stripes is an evolutionary advantage is some environments, but not others.

  • Examining the Fossil Record

    Examining the Fossil Record

    During a unit on evolution, students learn a little about geologic time and how we use the fossil record to establish lineages.  In this project, students cut out pictures of fictional fossils and arrange them on a chart to show how one species become two species.   The activity includes a description of phyletic and…

  • Case Study – Investigation of Animal Behavior

    Case Study – Investigation of Animal Behavior

    The goal is for students to develop a basic understanding about how animal models are used to study behavior and how behavior can be explained from an evolutionary perspective.

  • Hardy Weinberg and the Pocket Mouse

    Hardy Weinberg and the Pocket Mouse

    Use Hardy Weinberg equilibrium to analyze data of rock pocket mouse populations in the desert.

  • Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Most evolution units start with a history of evolutionary thought, where scientists of the past, like Darwin, Linnaeus, Larmarke, and Wallace,  are discussed with regard to their contributions to evolutionary theory.    If you’re not careful, you can end up spending too much time on the history, talking about the Voyage of the Beagle and the…

  • Your Inner Fish – Video from HHMI

    Your Inner Fish – Video from HHMI

    At the NSTA Conference in Chicago last year, I had the pleasure of meeting (at least from a distance) Neil Shubin, who is a fish paleontologist.  We watched one of the newer movies, were treated to refreshments and popcorn and were given a t-shirt and a DVD copy of “Your Inner Fish.”   This amazing…