Tag: mystery

  • Murder Mystery Macromolecule Lab

    Murder Mystery Macromolecule Lab

    If you’re looking for a creative and engaging way to teach biological macromolecules, look no further than this murder mystery lab activity. Students become forensic scientists, analyzing evidence to solve a crime. Using Lugol’s iodine, Biuret solution, Benedict’s solution, and Sudan IV, students will identify macromolecules in the contents of a victim’s stomach and match…

  • Forensics Activity: The Mystery of the Bones

    Forensics Activity: The Mystery of the Bones

    Construct a skeleton from paper to model how forensic scientists use clues from the bones to determine sex, gender, age, height, and race.

  • Data Analysis – Stature and Bone Length

    Data Analysis – Stature and Bone Length

    Does the length of a person’s legs and arm bones correlate to the height of the person? The following graph shows a scatterplot of lengths of the humerus, tibia, femur and tibia. Examine the graphs shown below. What CLAIMS can be made to answer the question? Summarize the EVIDENCE shown in the graphs. Develop a…