Biology is the study of life and living organisms, from the smallest bacteria to giant sequoias. Biologists use observation and experimentation to gain an understanding about the natural world. Branches of biology include anatomy, biotechnology, botany, cell biology, ecology, genetics, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, and zoology. Many people entering the field of biology become specialized in a particular area.

As a course, biology encompasses four main themes:
1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life
2. Biological systems utilize free energy to grow, reproduce, and maintain life functions
3. Living systems store and transmit information essential to life processes
4. Biological systems interact with each other, and those interactions possess complex properties.
The Biology Corner is a resource site for biology and science teachers and students. It contains a variety of lessons, quizzes, labs, web quests, and information on science topics for all levels, including introductory life science and advanced placement biology. You can find lessons related to biology topics in the links listed under “topics” on the sidebar as well as specific curriculum for biology classes taught in high school.
The top menu contain links to classes for students currently enrolled. Teachers may find the resources on those pages useful for designing their own curriculum and has specific classroom sequences and activities. Students are encouraged to use those pages to print documents, review notes, and find links to tutorials.
My Classes: Biology 1 & 2 (Freshman) | Advanced Placement Biology (11-12) | Anatomy and Physiology (11-12) | Intro Physics (9-12)
All work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Teachers are free to modify lessons and worksheets to suit their classroom needs and student ability levels.
This site also contains resources to align a biology curriculum to the Next Generation Science Standards and prepare students for standardized tests. Resources have been compiled and can be adjusted for any class or age group; teachers are free to modify any of the lessons or worksheets on this site. Browse the “Worksheets by Topic” menu to find lessons specific for your class and curriculum.