peasDNA From the Beginning

Instructions: go to and click on "classical genetics". Read through each of the chapters and answer the questions as you go.

DNA From the Beginning (Part 2)

Chapter 1: Children Resemble Their Parents

a)  Distinguish between the pistil and the stamen of a plant.

b)  Do the problem set.   Explain why it was important for Mendel to control certain factors in his experiment.

Chapter 2:  Genes Come in Pairs

a)  List all of the traits that Mendel examined in his experiment.

b) Go to Problem.   Describe the steps you would need to take to get a pure-bred colored flowered plant.

Chapter 3:  Genes Don’t Blend

a) After viewing the animation, go to Problem.   What is the best way to determine what trait is dominant?

Chapter 4: Some Genes Are Dominant

a) Distinguish between a gene and an allele.

b) What happens when two heterozygous (yellow-seeded) plants are crossed?  __________________

c)  Go to Problem:  What is the genotype of the F1 plants?     _____________

Chapter 5: Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules

a) View animation and go to Problem.  What types of gametes will a TtYy plant produce? ____________________
b) How many of the offspring (from Problem) are tall, yellow? _______  short, green?  ______

c) What is the Law of Independent Assortment?  ____________________________________

Chapter 6: Genes Are Real Things

a) Why does wood float? ____________________________________________________
b) How did Hooke define a cell?  ______________________________________________________________

Chapter 7: All Cells Arise from Preexisting Cells

a) What are the phases of mitosis? ______________________________________________________________
b) What holds sister chromatids together? ___________________________________________
c) Describe the position of the chromatids during metaphase:  _______________________________
d) What does "omnis celula e cellula" mean? ___________________________________________________________ 

Chapter 8: Sex Cells Have One Set of Chromosomes, Body Cells Have Two

a) What organism did Theodor Bovari study? _________________________________
b) During prophase 1 of meiosis, chromosomes form pairs called:______________________________
c) Meiosis I ends with __________________________, there are ______________ daughter cells.
d) d) How many cells are there at the end of meiosis 2? ____________

Chapter 9: Specialized Chromosomes Determine Gender

a) What are the two male chromosomes? ___________________ Female? _____________
b) How many chromosomes are found in female mealworms? _________________
c) In humans, which parent determines the sex of the offspring? _________________

Chapter 10:  Chromosomes Carry Genes

a) What did Thomas Morgan study?  ________________________
b) What offspring resulted from the mutant white eyed male and the red eyed female? _____________________
c) When these offspring were crossed, only the __________ had white eyes.

Chapter 11:  Genes Get Shuffled When Chromosomes Exchange Pieces

a) Summarize the idea of "linkage groups": ___________________________________________________________________
b) Linkage groups could be used to construct ___________________
c) What is "crossing-over"? ________________________________________

Chapter 12: Evolution Begins With the Inheritance of Gene Variations

a) What happens when plants self fertilize over many generations? ___________________________________
b) Hybrids yield more corn, this phenomenon is called _______________________________.

Chapter 13: Mendelian Laws Apply to Human Beings

a) What is the name of the diagram used to track inheritance in humans? _____________________
b) Which of Victoria’s nine children had hemophilia?  _______________ Was the child male or female?_________
c) Which of her daughters were also carriers? _________________________
d) What happened to the Romanov family in Russia? _________________________________

Chapter 14: Mendelian Genetics Cannot Fully Explain Human Health and Behavior

a) What is the ERO? _______________________________________________________
b) What is Farragut's famous quote? _____________________________________________
c) Do you think love of the sea or fearlessness is something that we inherit in our genes?