Biome Mini Presentation

Each member of the class is assigned a biome or habitat. Research the biome and present your findings to the class in a mini presenation (1-5 minutes). Pictures, powerpoints, props are all optional. Your presentation should include the following:

1. Types of plants and animals that live there
2. Geographic location and climate
3. Challenges facing the biome (environmental issues)

Be prepared to share your information with the class and discuss environmental issues related to all biomes and ecosystems.



Cold Desert (Antarctic)

Tropical Forest

Temperate Forest

Boreal Forest (taiga)

Temperate Grassland (prairie)



Chaparral (shrubland)

Tundra (arctic)

Tundra (alpine)

Freshwater Aquatic (ponds and lakes)

Freshwater Aquatic (streams and rivers)

Marine Aquatic (oceans)

Coral Reef

Seashore (tidal zone)



*instructor note, some of the biomes can be combined with others or eliminated depending on your class size*