1.  These structures are found in the nucleus of dividing cells, they appear X-shaped  _________________
2.  A chromosome is made of two identical sister ____________________
3.  Chromosomes are made of  ____________ wrapped around proteins. 
4.  Chromosomes are found in the   ______________________ of the cell
5.  Sister chromatids are held together by  ___________________________.

6. Body cells that contain the full number of chromosomes, 46 in humans, are called _______________.
7. Sex cells that contain only half the number of chromosomes are called ________________

8.  During this stage of the cell cycle, the cell is copying  DNA and performing cell functions: _____________
9.  During this stage of mitosis, chromosomes line up along the equator: _________________
10.  During this stage of mitosis, chromatids separate and move to opposite sides: ________________
11.  During this stage of mitosis, DNA condenses and forms chromosomes: _____________________
12.  During this stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane forms in each new cell: ______________________
13. During mitosis, this structure moves individual chromosomes: __________________

14.  This pair of structures anchors the spindle: _____________________
15.  The process by which the nucleus divides into two new nuclei is called: __________________________
16.  The process by which the cell splits into two new daughter cells is called: _________________________

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Mitosis Phases Image by Ali Zifan [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Other Resources on the Cell Cycle

Mitosis in an Onion – view picture, identify the stages of mitosis in each of the cells

Onion Root Tip Lab – view real cells with a microscope, requires lab equipment and prepared slides

Onion and Whitefish – view cells, if you missed the classroom lab; virtual version of the mitosis lab

Mitosis Internet Lesson  – view animations of mitosis; questions