
1-4 Tools and Procedures

1. Researchers need to _______________ each other's experiments and most experiments involve _______________, scientists need a _______________ system of measurement.
2. The __________ __________ is a decimal system of measurement whose units are based on certain ______________ standards and multiples of ___________.
3. The meter is used to measure _______________.
4. kg stands for what unit of measurement? _______________

5. One way to record data from an experiment is by using a _______________ table.
Then, the data may be plotted on a _______________ to make it easier to interpret.

6. See Figure 1-24: At what time of day is the rate of water released by leaves equal to the rate absorbed by roots? _______________

7. _______________ are devices that produce magnified images by focusing visible _______________ rays.

8. Electron microscopes produce magnified images by focusing ___________________.

9. ____________ ____________ ____________ allow light to pass through the specimen and use two lenses to form an image.

10. The best electron microscopes can produce images almost __________times more detailed than light microscopes can.

11. Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs) shine a beam of electrons __________ a thin specimen.

12. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs) scan a narrow beam of electrons back and forth across the __________ of a specimen.

13. ANALYZING DATA - What variable did the researcher change during the experiment? ____________________________________________________________.

14. ANALYZING DATA - What do the shapes of the curves tell you about the changes in population size? ______________________________________________________.

15. __________ __________ develops from the single original cell.

16. A technique known as __________ __________ is used to separate the different cell parts.
17. Before you start any activity, __________ all the steps, and make sure that you _______________ the entire procedure, including any __________ precautions that must be followed.

18. What is the single most important rule for your safety? _______________________________________

19. It is essential that you ___________ your hands thoroughly after every scientific activity.