NAME __________________________________________________


1. Fishes are ____________________________ vertebrates; most fishes have paired fins, scales, and gills.
2. What type of fish does not have scales? ________________________________
3. Use Fig-30-6 to label the FINS of the fish


4. What two features were important developments during the evolution of fishes?

5. Which period is called the "Age of Fishes"

6. Jaws allows fish to do what?

7. Paired fins gave fish more control over ____________________________________________
8. Two major groups of fish survive today, one group has a skeleton made of ________________________________, the other has a skeleton made of ________________________


9. Name a parasitic fish: __________________________________
10. Food is processed in fingerlike pouches called ________________________________________
11. Use Fig 30-11 to complete the fish labeling.

12. Gills are made of feathery structures called _______________________________________
13. What structure covers and protects the gills? ______________________________________
14. Fish have [ double | single ] loop circulation.
15. What are the two chambers in a fish's heart? ______________________________________________
16. ________________________________ are excretory organs that filter wastes from the blood.
17. Fresh water fish tend to [ gain | lose ] water, whereas saltwater fish tend to [ gain | lose ] water.
18. Do fish have a sense of smell? _____________
19. What is the function of the cerebellum? ___________________________________________________
20. The ____________________________________________________ help fish to sense vibrations in the water.
21. What structure keeps a fish from sinking? _____________________________________
22. Fish whose eggs hatch outside the mother's body are called _________________________________________
Fish whose eggs stay within the mother are called __________________________________________________
23. Name a species of fish where the young are "born alive": ___________________________________________


24. What are the three groups of fishes? __________________________________________________________
25. What are the two classes of jawless fish? ______________________________________________________
26. What jawless fish secretes incredible amounts of slime? _________________________________
27. To what CLASS do sharks belong? _____________________________________________________
28. The skeleton of a shark is made of _____________________________________________________
29. Name a shark that is a filter feeder: _____________________________________________________
30. To what CLASS do bony fishes belong? _________________________________________________
31. The lobe-finned fishes include the coelacanth and the ______________________________________


32. What three fish migrate to fresh water to breed? __________________________________________________
33. What fish travels to saltwater to breed? _______________________________

Multiple Choice

1. Most fishes exchange gases by pumping water from their mouths:
a. over the gill filaments b. through the pyloric ceca
c. over the atrium d. through the esophagus

2. Which of the following sets is MOST closely related?
a. shark & salmon b. eel & lamprey c. goldfish & shark d. shark & stingray

3. Which type of fish does NOT have jaws?
a. basking shark b. lamprey c. goldfish d. lungfish

4. The part of the brain that is responsible for voluntary activities is the:
a. medulla oblongata b. olfactory lobe c. cerebrum d. cerebellum

5. In fish circulation, blood moves from the atrium to:
a. the rest of the body b. the ventricle c. the gills d. the liver