Ecology - Discussion Topics
This type of activity can be used as an introduction to the ecology unit or an opener for environmental issues. In this activity, students work in groups to make lists with a topic prompt. Students then share their list with the class by writing it on the board.
Topics can be given individually with a time limit (3-5 minutes) followed by a short discussion. Points can be awarded for groups that came up with the most ideas or the most unique ideas.
1) Environmental Issues Facing the World Today
2) Species of Animals that Should be Saved
3) College Majors that Relate to Ecology
4) Places to Visit to Enjoy the Environment
5) Movies The Have an Environmental Theme or Message
6) Ways that Individuals Can Help the Environment
7) Laws that Protect the Environment
8) Products that Have an Environmental Message or Application
9) Songs that Have an Environmental Message
10) People Who Speak to Protect the Environment
Books with Environmental Themes
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert