Genetics Project - Design a Species
Teacher's Guide

The creature should have at least 5 genetic traits from the following list. You are free to create whatever traits you like (such as hair color, size, shape, or other features)

For this project, I like put an example on the board that is simple and straightforward and shows students that they don't need to get fancy or have drawing skills to complete the project. The example uses smiley faces. For each trait I'll show what I draw on the board to illustrate

2 Single Allele Traits

HH & Hh = smiley with hair | hh = bald smiley

smile hair

EE & Ee = smiles | ee = frown

smile or frown


1 Codominant Trait

I use colors for this one, to show blending. Codominant and Incomplete dominance are easy to confuse and largely a matter of semantics.

RR = red | Rr = pink | rr = white

*this case actually shows incomplete dominance, codominance might be red and white stripes.

1 Multiple Allele Trait

This is best described in reference to blood types. Choose the letters A, B, and O. Choose two that are codominant, and one that is recessive. In the case of smilies, you could do it this way:

AA, AO = large circular eyes
BB, BO = small dot eyes
AB = large circle with a dot in the middle
OO = triangular eyes

1 Sex Linked Trait

For the sex linked trait I use another feature, such as ears or nose. Females would have pointed ears PP or Pp, or floppy ears pp. Males would either be P (pointed) or p (floppy).

another example

Genetics Project Grading Rubric - I also have this as labels that I print on stickers to just check pts as I look over the project. It takes practice, but once you get going, the projects become easier to grade. Download: genetic_project_labels.doc

Unsatisfactory (3 pts)

Satisfactory (4pts)

Excellent (5 pts)

Traits and pictures

Some do not follow genetics “rules”, pictures not clear

Follows genetics rules, pictures are small or lacking in creativity or effort

Follows genetics rules, pictures are drawn large and clearly. Colored. Creative.

Creature examples

Genotype doesn’t follow phenotype, pictures not included or unclear

Genotype follows phenotype, all traits included, pictures somewhat unclear or not neat

Genotype follows phenotype, pictures drawn clearly, neatly and creatively, and colored


Less than 4 generations are shown, significant mistakes in genotypes

4 generations shown, minor mistakes in genotypes

4 generations shown, no mistakes

Dihybrid Cross

Punnett square not set up correctly, phenotypic ratios not given or incorrect

Punnett square set up correctly, minor errors in counting and ratios

Square set up correctly, phenotypic ratios given correctly

Practice problems

Less than 5 problems given, more than 1 is impossible to solve

5 problems given, somewhat unclear or unsolvable

All 5 problems are written well and can be solved