A Rubric for Class Participation

The advancement of knowledge and understanding depends on your engagement in the class. You are expected to:
1. Treat other members of the class with respect, avoid interruptions or shouting. Argue against an idea and not against a person.
2. Defend claims you make with evidence; scientists try to eliminate emotion from arguments, using logic and evidence to advance their positions.
3. Be prepared every day to discuss the topic at hand. This includes completing reading assignments, video assignments, and following online discussions, or just reviewing your notes and handouts from the previous day.
4. Ask for clarification if someone says something you don't understand.
5. Contribute to group and class discussions by adding your own ideas and thoughts, asking questions that seek a deeper level of understanding, and encouraging others to contribute.
Exemplary (4) | Skilled (3) | Developing (2) | Minimal (1) | |
Class Engagement | Routinely contributes to class, asks questions, encourages discussion; claims are supported by evidence / reasoning | Sometimes contributes to class, asks question, listens to others, claims are supported by evidence / reasoning | Occasionally offers ideas and asks questions, usually listens to others, does not derail conversation. | Some contributions in class, though comments are irrelevant, or lacking in detail. Statements lack support or are off-topic. |
Interactions with other students | Generally helpful, listens to others and builds upon ideas, furthers discussion, clarifies or restates the ideas of others in class | Generally helpful, listens to others, and adds to the discussion, tone and words are friendly/respectful | Sometimes helpful and listens to others without interrupting, tone friendly | Interrupts, uses language that does not further discussion, argumentative or dismissive, off task. |
Interactions with Instructor | Active listener, answers questions, jots notes down, stays focused, offers comments that build upon lesson themes | Listens to lectures, can answer questions, jots notes down, stays focused | Listens to lectures, may seem distracted, takes notes, sometimes engaged in other activities/homework | Appears to be listening, but cannot answer specific questions and does not appear to be taking notes. |
Interactions with Group (case studies, labs, dissections) |
MVP of the group, leader, prompts others in the group to get involved, contributes good ideas that further group goals, always prepared. | Actively helps group complete goals, shares data and ideas, is prepared and knows what the group is trying to accomplish | Sometimes contributes, attentive to needs of group, not just "copying" what others have contributed, understands group goals | When prompted will assist in answering questions or completing tasks, copies answers on worksheets, not on task |
Interactions with Self (Reflections) |
Reflects on topics of study, actively seeks learning opportunities, shares new information, goes beyond what is covered in class. | Reflects on topics of study, reviews notes daily to reinforce topics, can apply topics to personal experience | Rarely considers topics beyond what is covered in class, reviews what is covered in notes and attempt to apply knowledge | Does not consider topics or attempt to apply them to personal experience, occassionally reviews notes / topics |
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning and evidence; ensure a hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions; and promote divergent and creative perspectives.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue; resolve contradictions when possible; and determine what additional information or research is required to deepen the investigation or complete the task.