Reinforcement: Biomolecules

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1.  Polymers are made of individual subunits called _____________________________

2.  Chains of glucose make up _______________________________________

3.  Molecules that make up living things and contain carbon are called _________________ molecules.

4.  An aquatic animal that makes a protein based slime ___________________________________

5.  A carbohydrate that makes up the cell walls of plants: ___________________________

6.  A carbohydrate that makes up the exoskeleton of insects: ____________________________

7.  Lactase is an _________________________ that breaks down milk sugar.

8.  The cell membrane of all cells is made of _________________________________

9.  Nucleic acids are  made of individual subunits called ________________________________

10.  Lipids are made of ____________________________ and glycerol.

11.  DNA and RNA are both types of  ________________________________.

12.  Large molecules made of many small subunits: _______________________________.

13.  Proteins are made of subunits called: ________________________________

14.  More commonly called sugar, its molecular formula is C6H12O6   __________________________.

15.  The food we eat provides the _______________________ needed for life functions.

16.  A carbohydrate found in bread and pasta: ____________________________

Match the macromolecule to the exmaple:

___ 1.  Vegetable oil

___ 2.  Bread

___ 3.  Lactase

___ 4.  DNA

___ 5.  Hagfish slime

___ 6.  Muscle

___ 7.  Pasta

___ 8.  Cellulose

A.  Carbohydrates

B.  Lipids

C.  Proteins

D.  Nucleic Acids


Other Resources on Macromolecules

Biomolecules Boxing – students make boxes showing the four biomolecules of life and use the boxes to practice structure and functions

Enzyme Lab – use liver to show how catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water, bubbling is used to measure the reaction at different temperatures.

Elements Found in Living Things – a simple coloring exercise that shows the percentage of the elements in organisms (CHNOPS)

 Organic Compounds  Guided Notes