Reinforcement: Scientific Processes and Life

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experiment responding observing quantitative
manipulated qualitative hypothesis theory
evidence law natural prediction

1.  Science is a body of knowledge that explains the ________________world.

2.  Gathering information with the senses: ________________________.

3.  All claims in science should be supported by ____________________________.

4.  A proposed explanation that can be tested: ____________________________.

5. A statement based on what may happen, "if...then": ______________________

6.  Type of data that is measured in numbers; example: temperature of water ______________________

7. Type of data that is in the form of a description; example: color of water ________________________ 

8.  A step-by-step procedure that is used to test a hypothesis:  _____________________

9.  The thing that the scientist changes in an experiment:  _______________________________ variable

10.  What is measured or observed in an experiment: _________________________________ variable

11.  In science, a  ______________________ combines observations and explains WHY.  ( Ex. Evolution )

12.  In science, a _______________________ is used to make predictions, telling us WHAT will happen

Analyzing Data

The graph shows the number of shrimp hatched at different temperatures. 

13. What is the manipulated variable?   ___________________________________
What is the responding variable?      __________________________________

14. What CLAIM could be made from this graph? In one sentence, connect the two variables.



1.3 Patterns of Life

experiment responding observing quantitative
manipulated qualitative hypothesis theory
evidence law natural prediction

1. The idea that living things can come from nonliving matter: ___________________________________

2. The study of life: ______________________________________________________

3. The theory that organisms change over time ______________________________________________

4. The maintaining of a constant internal environment (“sameness”) ______________________________

5. All the chemical reactions that occur in the body: __________________________________________

6. A response is a reaction or behavior that occurs because of a ___________________________________

7. The smallest unit of life: _______________________

8. Contains the genetic code or the instructions for building an organism: ____________________________

9. An organism that consists of only one cell (bacteria) ___________________________________________

10. Organisms that have more than one cell (animals, plant) _______________________________________

11. Reproduction that involves one parent: ______________________________________________

12. Reproduction that involves two parents: ______________________________________________

*List the 8 characteristics of life. How do we know when something is alive?

Related Resources

Variables with Simpsons - read stories involving characters from the Simpsons and determine the independent and dependent variables

Independent Variables - read a short sentence of science experiment and determine the variables

Beriberi and Penicillin - a short story on the discovery of penicillin and that Beriberi was caused by a vitamin deficiency

Discoveries in Science - focus on Pasteur's experiment and other discoveries in science

Patterns of Life (Notes and Slides)

The Science of Biology (Notes and Slides)