22-1 Characteristics of Protists

1. Name two structures used for locomotion: _________________________________

2. An eyespot is used to detect [ light | motion ].

3. Kingdom protista contains the life forms that gave rise to what other three kingdoms: __________________________________________________________________

4. Heterotrophic protists are referred to as ____________________

Autotrophic protists are referred to as ______________________

5. What does the word "protist" mean in Greek? __________________________

22-2 Protist Diversity

6. Amoebas move by using cytoplasmic extensions called __________________________

7. The word "pseudopodia" means ________________________

8. What species of ameba is a parasite: ______________________________

9. What other organism besides the ameba, uses pseudopodia to move: ____________________

10. What protist has a unique double shell made of silica: _________________

11. Diatoms move by [ gliding | swimming ].

12. Match the phylum to the three types of algae

_______ Rhodophyta
_______ Chlorophyta
_______ Phaeophyta
A. red algae
B. brown algae
C. green algae

13. Large brown algae is known as __________________

14. What protist is responsible for red tides: ______________________

15. Trypanosomes cause what disease: __________________________

16. This protist can be heterotrophic or autotrophic: _______________________

17. Sexual reproduction in ciliates is called [ binary fission | conjugation ].

See "Up Close - Paramecium "

18. What organelle gets rid of excess water: ____________________________

Describe the shape of this organelle: __________________________

19 . Paramecium have [ one | two ] nuclei.

20. What do paramecium eat? ____________________________

Comparing Protists

For each of the statements below, write which protists have the characteristic. There may be more than one answer. This information is not easily located in your book. Rely on your thinking and notes.

1. __________ Has chloroplasts

2. __________ Moves using cilia

3. __________ Has a nucleus

4. __________ Has a pellicle

5. __________ Moves using pseudopodia

6. __________ Has an oral groove

7. __________ Is a protozoa

8. __________ Heterotrophic

9. __________ Belongs to the Kingdom Protista

10. __________ Has a contractile vacuole

11. __________ Has a spiral shaped chloroplast

12. __________ Is unicellular

13. __________ Is eukaryotic

14. __________ Lives in water

15. __________ Has flagella

A. Euglena

B. Paramecium

C. Ameba

D. Spirogyra