Chapter 30-1 - Reading Guide

1. Mollusks and annelids were the first major groups of organisms to develop a ______________________
2. Both mollusks and annelids share a larval form called a ___________________
3. The presence of a trochophore in both mollusks and annelids suggests that they share a ________________________________

4. Label the trochophore

5. Matching

__________visceral mass
__________ mantle
__________ foot
a. rasping, tongue-like organ
b. muscular region, locomotion
c. tubular structures, removes useful materials from the coelem before waste is discharged
d. central section containing organs
e. heavy fold of tissue, outer layer

6. Label the snail (see figure 30-3)


7. Answer True or False to the following statements.
_________ Mollusks exhibit radial symmetry
_________ Most mollusks have a four chambered heart.
_________ Mollusks use gills to respire.
_________ Most mollusks are hermaphrodites

8. Give two examples of gastropods. _______________________________________
9. What gastropod is brightly colored and has no shell? ________________________
10. Give two examples of bivalves _________________________________________
11. Bivalves draw in sea water through hollow tubes called ______________________
12. Describe how pearls are formed.

13. List two guidelines suggested by the FDA for safe consumption of mollusks. (Food Watch).



14. What are the four types of cephalopods? _________________________
15. Which cephalopod still retains its shell? __________________________
16. Squids have modified siphons that serve as a means of __________________________________________

Data Lab (page 668)

17. Identify the class of each mollusk pictured.
A _______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________

18. Where is the shell located on the squid? ______________________________
19. Name the organism that is related to B, but does not have a shell. _____________
20. Which of the three organisms moves the fastest? _______________________