Chapter 36: Reading Worksheet Name ______________________
Section 36-1: The Mammalian Body

1. Mammals Share _______ Key Characteristics. What are they? (fig 36-1)

2. What exceptional ability does the mammalian kidney have?
3. The primary function of hair is ____________________
4. Hair is adapted in some animals for defense. Describe an animal that uses hair for defense. _______________________________________________
5. Mammals Have Diverse, Specialized _________________
6. Unlike other vertebrates, mammals only have ___________ sets of teeth.
7. Match the tooth to its function

______ incisors a. grinding
______molars b. biting and cutting
_____canines c. stabbing and holding

8. It is possible to determine a mammals diet by examining its _____________
9. Compare the molars of a carnivore to the molars of a herbivore.
10. What type of mammal would this skull belong to:


11. Do all mammals have teeth? ____________
Name one that does not? _________________________

12. Mammals Maintain a High ________________________________
13. What are some advantages of endothermy?
14. Respiration in mammals is aided by the ________________________
15. What happens when the diaphragm contracts?
16. Mammals have a ________ chambered heart and a ______________ loop circulatory system.

"Up Close: Grizzly Bear"

17. What is the scientific name for the grizzly bear? ____________________
18. What does a grizzly bear eat? _________________________________
19. Why is the bear called a "grizzly" bear? __________________________
20. Do bear claws retract like a cat's? ____________
21. Grizzly bears rely primarily on what sense? _______________________
22. When are bear cubs born? ______________________
23. Name 3 states in the US that have grizzly bears? _______________________________________________________________


24. Mammals _____________ and _______________ for their Young
25. What is weaning? ___________________________________________
What group of mammals have the longest period of dependency on their
parents? ____________________

NAME________________________________________ Section 36-2: Today's Mammals

1. Mammals Have the Most Diverse _______________ of All Vertebrates.
2. What do bats and whales have in common? ____________________

3. Mammals ________________ in One of Three Ways
4. What are the three groups present day mammals are divided into?
5. The most primitive group of mammals is the ______________________
6. Give two examples of monotremes: _____________________________
7. Name two ways the monotreme is like a bird.
8. How does a baby platypus get milk from its mother?
9. Name four marsupials: _______________________________________
10. Describe the development of a marsupial.
11. What is the placenta? _______________________________________
12. The period of time between fertilization and birth is the _________________
13. What is keratin? _____________________________________________
14. What does a deer use his antlers for? ______________________________
15. Give two examples of domestic mammals: __________________________
16. Where do mules come from? ______________________________
17. Most of Today's Mammals Are _______________________
18, Placental mammals inhabit all continents except ______________________

19. List the 12 main orders of Mammals and give an example of each.



20. List the remaining seven (less common orders) and give an example of each (page 826)