Chapter 8-1 Reading

1. Mendel and Others Studied __________________________________
2. The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called _________________
3. Number the following events that occurred in Gregor Mendel's life from the earliest to the latest.

_____ Mendel studied theology and was ordained as a priest
_____ Mendel repeated the experiments of T.A. Knight
_____ Mendel lived with his parents and learned about agriculture.
_____Mendel went to the University of Vienna to study science and math

4. Summarize three reasons why the garden pea is a good subject for studying heredity.

5. Mendel Observed that Traits are Expressed as ______________________

6. Answer true or false to the following statements

______ A monohybrid cross involves two pairs of contrasting traits.
______ Self-pollination ensures that each variety of pea is true-breeding.
______ Mendel's parental generation (P1) was true-breeding.
______ Mendel allowed the F2 generation to cross pollinate with the F1.
______ For each of the seven traits Mendel studied, he found the same ratios.

7. Use Figure 8-4 to answer true or false to the following statements.

_______ When a true breeding purple flower was crossed with a true breeding white flower, half of the offspring were purple.
_______ The F1 generation were all purple.
_______ The F2 generation was created by self pollinating the F1 generation.
_______ The F2 generation had ¾ purple, and ¼ white.

Section 8-2: Mendel's Theory

8. Mendel's Work Became a Theory of __________________
9. Fill in the blanks below to complete each of Mendel's four hypotheses:
For each inherited trait, an individual has ______ copies of the gene - one from each ________________
There are _______________ versions of genes. Different versions of genes are called _______________
When two different __________ occur together, one of them may be completely expressed.
When gametes are formed, the ______________ for each gene separate ______________ of one another.
10. Define dominant ______________________________________________
Define recessive: ________________________________________________
11. If letters are used to represent alleles, a capital letter (P) is used to represent the [ dominant / recessive ] trait.

12. If two alleles are the same (PP) the individual is said to be _______________
If two alleles are different (Pp) the individual is said to be __________________

13. A set of alleles that an individual has is called its _____________________
14. Mendel's Ideas Gave Rise to the _____________________________

List the two laws: _____________________________________

15. Explain the Law of Independent Assortment.